Rules Index | GM Screen

Horror Rules / Horror Characters / Playing a Horror Hero

Participating in Horror Adventures

Source Horror Adventures pg. 8
First and foremost, understand that horror games are meant to be creepy. If you don’t want to risk being actually frightened, you don’t have to play. If you do want to play, make sure you’re familiar with the Horror Games and Consent section.

Aside from their macabre themes, many horror games involve a different, intentionally darker sort of storytelling than other Pathfinder games. In a horror-themed game, the GM is juggling her story and the game’s rules to not just tell a story, but to create an atmosphere of dread within the game. Joking around out-of-character and getting distracted can wreck the mood the GM works to create. Laughter relieves tension, which might be exactly what the GM is trying to foster. At the start of your horror game, point out this section to the GM and have her answer the question: How serious do you want the game to be?