AmbassadorSource Ultimate Wilderness pg. 210 An ambassador speaks on its master’s behalf and sometimes on behalf of its master’s patron or other extraplanar contacts.
Special Requirement: An ambassador familiar must be able to speak at least one language, either as a special familiar ability (as in the case of a raven or thrush) or by being an improved familiar. A familiar that can’t speak (or can speak only to its master or other animals) can’t be an ambassador.
Ambassador Skills: An ambassador treats Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate as class skills.
Persuasive (Ex): An ambassador gains Persuasive as a bonus feat.
This replaces alertness.
Enhanced Personality (Ex): An ambassador gains a Charisma score equal to the typical Intelligence score of a familiar of its level, if that would be higher than its normal Charisma score. The familiar’s Intelligence score remains 6 (or its normal starting Intelligence for an improved familiar) and doesn’t increase by level.
This replaces the familiar’s Intelligence score advancement.