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The River Eater

Source Book of the Damned pg. 132
Pathfinder Wiki Hataam


Alignment CE
Pantheon Sahkil Tormentors
Areas of Concern Drought, drowning, stagnation
Domains Evil, Travel, Water, Weather
Subdomains Fear, Rivers, Sahkil, Seasons, Storms
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Net


Dam a small stream or another source of flowing water. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Swim checks.

Boons - Sahkil Tormentors

Source Book of the Damned pg. 133
Sahkil tormentors hold dominion over mortal fears and suffering. All are chaotic evil and range in power from CR 21 to CR 25. Their boons are less complex than those of other demigods, manifesting as spell-like abilities usable twice per day each.

1: river whip
2: phantasmal asphyxiation;
3: control water