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Source Pathfinder #90: The Divinity Drive pg. 61
Price 30,000 gp
Slot head; Weight 3 lbs.
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour


A mindmelder resembles a bulky helm designed to cover the skull, ears, and eyes of the wearer. When worn, it projects the user’s thoughts into a virtual reality created from the user’s mind, memories, and personality. As long as the user wears the mindmelder, his actual physical body is helpless and can take no actions. While in this virtual world, the user can rest and relax, gaining the benefits of such relaxation at a rapidly increased rate, as if under the effects of a nap stackAPG spell. A creature may enjoy the benefits granted by this effect without that spell’s normal once-per-week limitation. A mindmelder can also be used to enter established virtual realities stored in a computer within 60 feet, as detailed in Part 3 of this adventure.


Craft DC 32; Cost 15,000 gp
Craft Technological ItemTG, production labTG