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Pathfinder Unchained / Esoteric Material Components / Implementing Esoteric Components

Optional Components

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 151
The esoteric material components system can be added directly on top of the normal spellcasting system. Spells don’t need esoteric components to be cast, and normal material components function as normal. Expending esoteric material components worth the listed values allows the caster to replace normal material components she lacks (but not to replace expensive material components). It’s far more useful in this system to pay double the amount of esoteric components to gain the greater component effect. A 6th-level wizard casting fireball can do so using a normal spell component pouch. If he’s missing his pouch, he can expend 18 gp worth of entropic resin to cast the spell anyway. He could expend 36 gp worth (with or without a spell component pouch) to make the spell more powerful with its greater component effect.

Adding esoteric material components as an option makes spellcasters considerably more powerful. When used this way, esoteric components are essentially an additional type of treasure. Use esoteric components as treasure only rarely, and consider ignoring the rules that allow scrounging for components. Esoteric components might not be very well known in the world, and aren’t readily available to purchase.