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Kineticist Class Details | Elements | Wild Talents | Archetypes

Pushing Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Element aether, air, earth, void, water, wood; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts air, autumn, blizzard, charged water, earth, gravity, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm, spring, steam, summer, telekinetic, verdant, void, water, winter, wood
Saving Throw none
The momentum of your kinetic blast knocks foes back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your bonus. This infusion can push a foe back by a maximum of 5 feet. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion to increase the maximum distance pushed by 5 feet per additional point of burn accepted. You can’t use this infusion with a form infusion such as cloud that causes your kinetic blast to lack a clear direction to push.