Rules Index | GM Screen

Pathfinder Unchained / Consolidated Skills / Altering Skill Bonuses

Monster Skill Bonuses

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 68
When running a prebuilt monster, the GM can convert core skills to consolidated skills on the fly. The GM can choose one of two paths: either use the monster’s highest printed bonus as its bonus with the relevant consolidated skill, or treat each bonus as though it applies only to a sub-function of a consolidated skill. For example, an ice devil has a +22 bonus on Acrobatics checks and a +13 bonus on Fly checks. The GM could either give the devil a +22 bonus on all Acrobatics checks, or use the +22 bonus if the monster is moving through a threatened area and the +13 bonus if it’s flying. Either approach can work, but the GM should be consistent with which she uses.

A GM using the highest-bonus approach still might want to consider separating out the bonuses in the case of large racial modifiers. A monster with a climb speed should probably not get its +8 racial bonus on Athletics checks to jump or swim.