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Pathfinder Unchained / Dynamic Magic Item Creation / Challenges

Attempting Challenges

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 180
Each challenge presents two tasks. One creator can choose a single task to attempt, or two creators can each choose to do a different task. This choice of tasks to attempt must be made before rolling any associated checks. Creators can’t take 10 or 20 (even with bardic knowledge or skill mastery) or benefit from aid another on item creation tasks.

Some tasks don’t require checks, but present other conditions for success. If a creator takes on such a task, it must be completed before attempting a task that involves a check.

If the creators decide to attempt both tasks for a given challenge, each task must be attempted by a different creator. For instance, when faced with a sesquipedalian elucidation challenge (see page 185), a wizard might pull out his dictionary and attempt a Linguistics check, while a rogue might choose to make up her own big words and attempt a Use Magic Device check. The number of tasks attempted and their success or failure determines the outcome of the challenge, as detailed below.

One Task AttemptedBoth Tasks AttemptedChallenge Result
Succeed at bothCritical success
SucceedSucceed at one and fail the other by less than 5Success
FailSucceed at one and fail the other by 5 or moreFailure
Fail bothCritical failure