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Occult Rules / Running an Occult Game / Occult Locations / Loci Spirits

Elements of a Loci Spirit

Source Occult Adventures pg. 227
Loci spirits are presented in the following format.

Loci Spirit Name: The loci spirit’s name is followed by its CR.

XP: This is the amount of XP to award the PCs for surviving the loci spirit’s corrupted form, as determined by the spirit’s CR. At the GM’s discretion, characters who intentionally corrupt a loci spirit in pursuit of their goals may receive this amount of XP for doing so.

Alignment, Permanent Effects, Manifestation Type, and Area: This line gives the loci spirit’s alignment, its permanent effects and manifestation type, and the dimensions of the area it infuses (up to 5 feet per caster level).

Caster Level: This is the loci spirit’s effective caster level for the purposes of dispelling any ongoing effects with dispel magic, and for determining the results of spell effects it creates.

hp: This lists the loci spirit’s effective hit points for the purposes of resolving corruption. A loci spirit’s number of hit points is equal to twice the spirit’s CR.

Weakness: Any weaknesses the loci spirit has, such as being susceptible to corruption or hard to heal, are listed here.

Ceremony: These are the skill checks that must be performed in order for the loci spirit to manifest its ceremonial effect.

Effect: This entry details the ceremonial effect of the loci spirit, and includes a description of how the loci spirit manifests.

Corruption Effect: This entry gives a brief description of what the loci spirit’s effects become if it is corrupted.