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Bestiary / Monster Creation

Step 2: Target Statistics

Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. 290
Once you have a creature’s type and CR determined, use Table 1–1 to determine its approximate statistics by CR. These values are a rough guideline only. You will notice that many of the existing monsters in this book do not follow these guidelines exactly. Most monsters excel in one of these areas, usually in the amount of damage dealt, but lag in one or two other areas to help balance them out. When referring to Table 1–1, keep the following points in mind.

CR: This is the approximate CR of the monster. This number might change as design progresses.

Hit Points: This is the approximate hit point total for the monster. Note that creatures with particularly high Armor Classes or saving throws, or a number of resistances, might have a lower number. Outsiders and constructs typically have lower hit point totals.

Armor Class: This is the average Armor Class for a creature of this CR. When it comes time to design the creature’s protections, keep this number in mind. Creatures with hit points above the average often have lower Armor Class values to compensate.

High Attack: This is the average total attack bonus for a creature of this CR. This value is for creatures that are primarily melee or ranged combatants. Creatures with a higher than normal average damage typically have a lower attack value to compensate.

Low Attack: This is the average total attack bonus for a creature of this CR that does not rely upon melee or ranged attacks to deal damage. This includes most creatures that rely on spells and spell-like abilities in combat.

Average Damage: This is the average amount of damage dealt by a creature of this CR if all of its attacks are successful. To determine a creature’s average damage, add the average value for all of the damage dice rolled (as determined by Table 1–5) to the damage modifier for each attack. A creature that relies on melee or ranged weapons in combat should have average damage within the range of high and low damage. A creature with higher than normal attack bonuses will often deal lower damage, while a creature with lower than normal attack bonuses will often deal higher damage. Primary Ability DC: This is the average difficulty class (DC) for any spells, spell-like abilities, and special abilities (such as breath weapons) possessed by a creature of this CR that relies on such attacks in combat. If an ability is particularly powerful, it might have a lower DC to compensate.

Secondary Ability DC: This is the average DC for spells and special abilities for a creature that does not rely on such attacks in combat. Generally, a DC should not be lower than this number.

Good Save: This is the average saving throw bonus for a creature of this CR if the saving throw is one of the creature’s good saving throws.

Poor Save: This is the average saving throw bonus for a creature of this CR if the saving throw is one of the creature’s poor saving throws.

Table 1-1: Monster Statistics by CR

Average Damage
CRHit PointsArmr ClassHigh AttackLow AttackHighLowPrimary Ability DCSecondary Ability DCGood SavePoor Save