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GameMastery Guide / Rewards / PCs Controlling Rewards / Making Magic Items

Ad-Hoc Pricing

Source GameMastery Guide pg. 117
If there’s no effect in Table 15–29 that matches the new item’s powers, try looking through existing magic items for something that’s close. For example, Seltyiel wants to add the bladethirst ability to his longsword, a power he’s come up with that lets him draw the weapon as a free action. This is essentially the Quick Draw feat, but tied to a single weapon. Even though it’s a weapon enhancement, Seltyiel wants it as a flat cost, like adding fire resistance to a suit of armor. Looking over the ability, the GM decides that this fits well, since it doesn’t really scale up with a more powerful weapon. Gloves of arrow snaring are a 4,000 gp item that grants a feat, so the GM uses this as the base price. Multiple different abilities on a magic item would normally increase this cost by 50%, but since the Quick Draw feat would allow drawing items other than just a single weapon, the GM splits the difference and makes it a 5,000 gp weapon enhancement.