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GameMastery Guide / Creating a World / The Rural/Agrarian Society

Questions about Your Rural/Agrarian Society

Source GameMastery Guide pg. 155
When designing a rural or agrarian society, keep in mind some of the following basic questions about the people.
  • How advanced are they technologically?
  • Where did these people originally come from, and why did they come?
  • What did they do when they arrived in this land? Were they friendly or antagonistic toward the creatures and people already here?
  • Did they bring seeds and animals from their homeland with them?
  • What terrain do they inhabit?
  • Who are their enemies and allies?
  • How fertile is the land? What happens to any excess crops that are harvested—are they traded or stockpiled against future shortages?
  • How do the farmers fertilize their land, and with what materials? (Examples: manure, compost, blood, corpses of enemies, magic, prayers.)
  • What is their primary food crop or animal?
  • What is their primary beast of burden?
  • How do they store their food?
  • Do they have currency, and if so, what is it? Who issues it, and by what authority?
  • What is the weather like, and what kinds of clothing do they wear?
  • How clean are they, and how do they maintain that level of hygiene?
  • How do they feel about magic and wizards?
  • What is their relationship with their gods?
  • What is their relationship with travelers, merchants, and other foreigners?
  • How do they protect their land?
  • What monsters and fey live near this society, and how do these people deal with them?