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GameMastery Guide / Creating a World / The Cosmopolitan Society

Questions about Your City

Source GameMastery Guide pg. 157
Designing a city can seem like an overwhelming task, but in a roleplaying game, the key to designing a compelling city is to consider those aspects that are most likely to affect your adventure or the PCs. Before you start writing your city, develop a familiarity with the more practical elements of your locale by answering the following questions (many of which are useful in designing smaller settlements, as well).
  • Who rules the city?
  • How does the ruler maintain power?
  • What factions or personalities plot against the ruler? Why do they do so?
  • What four enemy types are common to campaigns set in this city?
  • Which local NPCs are the PCs likely to befriend? Why?
  • What three things about your city make it unique?
  • What monsters lurk in the city?
  • How powerful are the city’s trade guilds?
  • Is there a wizards’ guild?
  • Is there a thieves’ guild?
  • What deities have temples in the city?
  • What is the most popular religion? What about your city’s character makes this religion popular?
  • From whom are the PCs likely to seek healing?
  • Where can the PCs buy weapons, armor, and equipment?
  • What’s the best inn or tavern in town?
  • Which tavern is most likely to be the site of a bar fight?
  • Where would the PCs buy, sell, and trade magic items?
  • How does social class affect the lives of citizens in your city?
  • What do the social classes think of each other?
  • How corrupt is the city watch? The courts?
  • How dangerous is the city at night?
  • What are the three most beautiful things in the city?
  • How does the city protect itself ?
  • What does the city smell like?
  • What do the citizens do to have a good time?
  • What do the citizens fear more than anything else?
  • What would a bard like about the city?
  • What would a barbarian, druid, or ranger like about the city?
  • What would your significant other or spouse like about the city?
  • Why do adventurers come to your city?