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Kineticist Class Details | Elements | Wild Talents | Archetypes

Kineticist Wild Talents

Description Source: Occult Adventures
Kineticists’ wild talents shape the expression of their powers.

Simple Blasts

A kineticist gains a simple blast from her primary element at 1st level—some elements offer more than one option. When a kineticist gains a new element via the expanded element class feature, she gains a simple blast from that element as well. Each simple blast is either a physical blast or an energy blast. Physical blasts are ranged attacks that deal an amount of damage equal to 1d6+1 + the kineticist’s Constitution modifier, increasing by 1d6+1 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st. Spell resistance doesn’t apply against physical blasts. Energy blasts are ranged touch attacks that deal an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 the kineticist’s Constitution modifier, increasing by 1d6 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st.

Air Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning
You batter a single foe with a gust of air.

Cold Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type energy; Damage cold
You emit a beam of utter cold to freeze a single foe.

Earth Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You shape earth into clumps or shards and send them flying at a foe.

Electric Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type energy; Damage electricity
You shoot an arc of electricity to shock a single foe.

Fire Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type energy; Damage fire
You unleash a gout of flickering fire to burn a single foe.

Gravity Blast

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning
You manipulate gravity to distort and buffet your foe’s body.

Negative Blast

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type energy; Damage negative energy
You blast your foe with negative energy. This blast and its composite blasts never heal creatures, even if they would normally be healed by negative energy (though such creatures still take no damage).

Positive Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type energy; Damage positive energy
You blast your foe with positive energy. The positive energy damage from positive blast and its composites harms only undead and other creatures harmed by positive energy. It never heals creatures, even if they would be healed by positive energy, but it damages haunts and deals full damage to incorporeal undead.

Telekinetic Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You throw a nearby unattended object at a single foe as a ranged attack. The object must weigh no more than 5 pounds per kineticist level you possess. If the attack hits, the target and the thrown object each take the blast’s damage. Since the object is enfolded in strands of aether, even if you use this power on a magic weapon or other unusual object, the attack doesn’t use any of the magic weapon’s bonuses or effects; it simply deals your blast damage. Alternatively, you can loosen the strands of aether in order to deal damage to both the object and the target as though you had thrown the object yourself (instead of dealing your normal blast damage). You substitute your Constitution modifier for your Strength modifier if throwing the object would have added your Strength modifier on the damage roll, and you don’t take the –4 penalty on the attack roll for throwing an object that wasn’t designed to be thrown. In this case, the object’s special effects apply (including effects from its materials), and if the object is a weapon, you must be proficient with it and able to wield it with one hand; otherwise, the item deals damage as a one-handed improvised weapon for a creature of your size.

Water Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning
You slam a single foe with a stream of water.

Wood Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You lash out with boughs, vines, or a deluge of stinging blooms.

Composite Blasts

Composite blasts combine elements to form a new blast. When a kineticist gains a new element through expanded element, she gains access to all composite blasts for which she qualifies. Most composite blasts are either physical or energy blasts, like simple blasts. Physical composite blasts deal an amount of damage equal to 2d6+2 + the kineticist’s Constitution modifier, increasing by 2d6+2 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st; energy composite blasts deal an amount of damage equal to 2d6 + 1/2 the kineticist’s Constitution modifier, increasing by 2d6 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st.

Aetheric Boost

Source Occult Adventures pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite telekinetic blast, expanded element (any)
Blast Type special; Damage see text
You infuse a simple blast you know with aether, causing it to deal 1 additional point of damage of the same type for each of its damage dice; it otherwise acts as the simple blast. At 15th level, you can also infuse a composite blast with aether. To infuse a composite blast in this way, you must accept 1 additional point of burn.

Autumn Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element earth, wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite earth blast, wood blast
Blast Type physical; Damage any two of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing (half each)
A burst of fallen leaves and earthy decay batters a single foe.

Blizzard Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air, water; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite air blast, cold blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half piercing, half cold
You unleash a directed blizzard at a single target.

Blue Flame Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (fire), expanded element (fire)
Blast Type energy; Damage fire
You unleash a concentrated blast of intense blue flame.

Charged Water Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air, water; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite electric blast, water blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half electricity
You slam a single foe with a stream of electrically charged water.

Force Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (aether), expanded element (aether)
Blast Type energy; Damage force (see text)
You throw a burst of force at a foe. Force blast deals damage as a simple energy blast instead of a composite energy blast.

Gravitic Boost

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite gravity blast, any other physical simple blast
Blast Type special; Damage see text
You infuse a simple physical blast with added gravity, increasing its damage dice from d6s to d8s; it otherwise deals damage as per the simple blast. At 15th level, you can also infuse a composite blast with gravity, though to do so you must accept 1 additional point of burn.

Ice Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (water), expanded element (water)
Blast Type physical; Damage half piercing, half cold
You shoot a chilling icicle to stab a single foe.

Magma Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element earth, fire; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite earth blast, fire blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half fire
You use your fire to superheat the earth into a flow of magma, which you send against a single foe.

Metal Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (earth), expanded element (earth)
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You shape metal into clumps, shards, or blades and send them flying.

Mud Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element earth, water; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite earth blast, water blast
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning
You infuse your water into the earth to create a powerful ball of mud and slam a single foe.

Negative Admixture

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite negative blast, any other energy simple blast
Blast Type energy; Damage see text
Choose another simple energy blast you know. Negative admixture’s damage is half negative energy, and half the chosen blast’s type.

Plasma Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air, fire; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite air blast, fire blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half fire
You launch a gust of air and then use your fire to superheat the gust into plasma just as it strikes a single foe.

Positive Admixture

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite positive blast, any other energy simple blast
Blast Type energy; Damage see text
Choose another energy simple blast you know. Positive admixture’s damage is half positive energy and half the chosen blast’s type.

Sandstorm Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air, earth; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite air blast, earth blast
Blast Type physical; Damage piercing and slashing
You use your air to churn up sand, firing a flensing gust at a foe.

Spring Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element air, wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite air blast, wood blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning and half slashing or piercing
Sharp blossoms and pummeling seeds buffet your foe.

Steam Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element fire, water; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite fire blast, water blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half fire
You use your fire to superheat water into steam just as it strikes.

Summer Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element fire, wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite fire blast, wood blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half fire and half bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
A burning blast of heat and sun-dried foliage tears at your foe.

Thunderstorm Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (air), expanded element (air)
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half electricity
You batter a single foe with a gust of air crackling with electricity.

Verdant Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (wood), expanded element (wood)
Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, and optionally positive energy
You blast your foes with fanciful wild growth overflowing with positive energy from the First World. Verdant blast’s damage counts as positive energy damage only when it would be beneficial for you.

Void Blast

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite primary element (void), expanded element (void)
Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning, half negative energy
You call forth the power of the void to annihilate your foe.

Winter Blast

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element water, wood; Type composite blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 2
Prerequisite cold blast, wood blast
Blast Type physical; Damage half cold and half bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
You unleash a blast of frigid frost and jagged, bare branches at your target.

Defense Wild Talents

A kineticist gains the defense wild talent from her primary element at 2nd level.


Source Occult Origins pg. 6
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
Your body becomes an empty husk, fueled by an internal void. You gain negative energy resistance 2, a 5% chance to ignore critical hits and sneak attacks, and a +1 bonus on Will saves against emotion effects. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the resistance to negative energy by 2, the chance to ignore critical hits and sneak attacks by 5%, and the bonus on Will saves against emotion effects by 1 until the next time your burn is removed. The chance of ignoring critical hits and sneak attacks granted by this wild talent stacks with the chance granted by elemental overflow to a maximum of 100%. When you accept burn while using a void wild talent, your bonus on Will saves applies against all mind-affecting effects for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action.

Enveloping Winds

Source Occult Adventures pg. 16
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
You constantly surround yourself with a whirling torrent of air, crackling arcs of lightning, or both to protect yourself from ranged attacks. All ranged attacks made with physical weapons suffer a 20% miss chance against you, except for attacks from massive weapons such as a giant’s thrown boulder or a ballista. This ability has no effect on ray attacks. The miss chance increases by 5% for every 5 kineticist levels you possess beyond 2nd. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the miss chance by 5% until the next time your burn is removed. You can continue to accept points of burn to increase the miss chance further, up to a maximum of 75%. Whenever you accept burn while using an air wild talent, the energy surging through you causes your enveloping winds to also affect non-physical ranged attacks such as ray attacks for 1 round. You can dismiss or restore this effect as an immediate action.

Flesh of Stone

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
Your skin hardens like stone, dampening the impact of most attacks. You gain DR 1/adamantine. This DR increases by 1 for every 2 kineticist levels you possess beyond 2nd. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the DR by 1 until the next time your burn is removed, to a maximum DR equal to your kineticist level. Whenever you accept burn while using an earth wild talent, the energy surging through you causes your damage reduction to change from DR/adamantine to DR/— for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action.

Flesh of Wood

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
Your skin toughens like timber and can turn aside some blows. You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your existing natural armor bonus. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this enhancement bonus by 1. For every 3 levels beyond 2nd, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to further increase this enhancement bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at 17th level). Whenever you accept burn while using a wood wild talent, phytokinetic power causes your full natural armor bonus to apply to your touch AC for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action.

Force Ward

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
You constantly surround yourself with a ward of force. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your kineticist level. You always lose these temporary hit points first, even before other temporary hit points. If an attack deals less damage than you still have as temporary hit points from force ward, it still reduces those temporary hit points but otherwise counts as a miss for the purpose of abilities that trigger on a hit or a miss. These temporary hit points regenerate at a rate of 1 per minute. By accepting 1 point of burn as a standard action, you can increase the maximum number of temporary hit points provided by your force ward by half your kineticist level until the next time your burn is removed. If you use this ability multiple times, the increases stack. For every 2 points of burn you accept in this way, your force ward’s rate of regeneration increases by 1 hit point per minute. Whenever you accept burn while using an aether wild talent, you siphon some of the energy from the aether flowing through you and your force ward recovers a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level, up to its current maximum. You can dismiss or restore your force ward as an immediate action, but doing so doesn’t change the number of temporary hit points available, and the temporary hit points don’t recover while this ability is inactive.

Searing Flesh

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
Your body becomes painfully hot. Whenever a creature hits you with a natural attack or an unarmed strike, that creature takes 1 point of fire damage per 4 kineticist levels you possess (minimum 1 point of fire damage). A creature in a grapple with you takes double this amount of damage at the end of each of its turns. Weapons that strike you also take this damage, though the damage is unlikely to penetrate the weapon’s hardness. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this damage by 1 point per 4 kineticist levels you possess until the next time your burn is removed. You can increase the damage in this way up to seven times.

Whenever you accept burn while using a fire wild talent, the surging flame causes your searing flesh to deal double its current amount of damage for 1 round (a creature in a grapple with you takes a total of four times as much damage as normal). You can dismiss or restore this effect as an immediate action.

Shroud of Water

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
You surround yourself with a shroud of water, ice, or both that protects you from harm. The shroud can either cover your body, functioning as armor, or float around you and block attacks, functioning as a shield. It grants either a +4 armor bonus to AC or a +2 shield bonus to AC, and you can change the type of bonus as a standard action. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 kineticist levels you possess beyond 2nd. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase the bonus by 1 until the next time your burn is removed. You can increase the bonus multiple times in this way, but it can’t be increased by more than 50% of its starting value. When you change the shroud to grant a shield bonus, any bonus in excess of this limit doesn’t apply, but it remains if you change the shroud’s bonus type again. Whenever you accept burn while using a water wild talent, the water coalescing around you allows your shroud to grant both the armor bonus and the shield bonus for 1 round. You can dismiss or restore this effect as an immediate action.

Infusion Wild Talents

Infusion wild talents change the way kineticists use their kinetic blasts.

Blade Rush

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Prerequisite kinetic blade
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You use your element’s power to instantly move 30 feet in any direction (even straight up), manifest a kinetic blade, and attack once. You gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll and take a –2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn. The movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, though activating blade rush does. If you have the kinetic whip infusion, you can manifest a kinetic whip instead of a kinetic blade at the end of your movement by increasing the burn cost of this infusion by 1. The blade or whip vanishes instantly after the rush.

Blade Whirlwind

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite kinetic blade
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You create a kinetic blade and swing it in an arc around you, making a single attack against all foes within reach as if with kinetic blade. If the result is a critical threat, roll to confirm the critical hit against only the first target you hit. The blade vanishes instantly after the whirlwind.


Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts electric blast, thunderstorm blast
Saving Throw Reflex half
You unleash a bolt of lightning above an enemy within 30 feet and send it spiraling down with tremendous force. Each bolt is a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long, vertical bolt, dealing your full blast damage to creatures within the line. If all squares in the bolt’s area are outdoors and in a storm, the blast deals an additional 1 point of damage per die. The saving throw is Dexterity-based.

Bowling Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element aether, earth; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts earth, magma, metal, mud, telekinetic
Saving Throw none
You bowl your foes over with the sheer mass of your kinetic blast. Attempt a trip combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your Combat Maneuver Bonus.

Brilliant Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 6; Burn 4
Prerequisite flash infusion
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, plasma
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast leaves an afterglow that banishes the darkness. Treat each square of the path of your ranged attack kinetic blast, the target square of your melee attack kinetic blast, or the area of your area of effect kinetic blast as the center of a continual flame effect that lasts until the end of your next turn. This effect counts as a 6th-level spell with the light descriptor.

Burning Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 17
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, magma, plasma
Saving Throw Reflex negates
Your kinetic blast ignites your foes. Whenever an infused blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, that foe catches on fire, regardless of whether it takes damage. A foe that catches fire takes 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Against a creature on fire from this infusion, any fire kinetic blasts gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to DCs, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type form infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts electric
Saving Throw none
Your electric blast leaps from target to target. When you hit a target with your infused blast, you can attempt a ranged touch attack against an additional target that is within 30 feet of the first. Each additional attack originates from the previous target, which could alter cover and other conditions. Each additional target takes 1d6 fewer points of damage than the last (for example, 3d6 becomes 2d6), and you can’t chain the blast back to a previous target. You can continue chaining your blasts until a blast misses or fails to deal damage, or until your blast is reduced to a single damage die.

Chilling Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts blizzard, cold, ice
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Your kinetic blast chills your foes to the bone, making their movements sluggish. Whenever an infused blast deals cold damage to a foe, that foe is staggered for 1 round.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element air, water; Type form infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts blizzard, sandstorm, steam, thunderstorm
Saving Throw none
You release your power in a diffuse cloud. You can center this 20-foot-radius spread anywhere within 120 feet of you. All creatures and objects within the cloud when you create it automatically take 1/4 the normal amount of damage from your blast with no saving throw. Any time a creature enters the cloud, it takes half the normal amount of damage from your blast, as do creatures that end their turns in the cloud. Your cloud obscures vision as obscuring mist. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier or until you use the cloud infusion again.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type form infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts air, blizzard, sandstorm, thunderstorm
Saving Throw Reflex half
You create a circular rush of wind. All creatures and objects within a 20-foot-radius burst centered on you take half your blast’s normal amount of damage. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Dampening Infusion

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts negative, void
Saving Throw Will negates
Your kinetic blast swirls with darkness, making it harder for your foes to see. This otherwise functions as dazzling infusion.

Darkness Infusion

Source Occult Origins pg. 6
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts gravity, negative, void
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast creates darkness. Treat each square of the path of your ranged attack kinetic blast, the target square of your melee attack kinetic blast, or the area of your area of effect kinetic blast as the center of a darkness effect that lasts until the end of your next turn. This effect counts as a 3rd-level darkness spell.

Darkness Infusion, Greater

Source Occult Origins pg. 6
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 6; Burn 4
Prerequisite darkness infusion
Associated Blasts gravity, negative, void
Saving Throw none
Your blast creates supernatural darkness, as per the darkness infusion, except it acts as deeper darkness and counts as a 6th-level darkness spell.

Dazzling Infusion

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element fire, wood; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, plasma, positive, verdant
Saving Throw Will negates
Your kinetic blast shines brightly, making it harder for your foes to see. If your blast hits a foe (and penetrates SR if applicable), that foe must succeed at a Will save or be dazzled for 1 minute, whether or not it takes damage from the blast. You can reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase the DC of this save by 2.

Deadly Earth

Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element earth, wood; Type form infusion; Level 6; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts autumn, earth, magma, metal, mud, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw none
You infuse the ground in a 20-foot radius anywhere within 120 feet of you on an earthen surface (if you are using a metal blast, this infusion affects a metal surface instead). The ground roils and buckles beneath the affected area. All creatures and objects in contact with the ground within the area when you create it automatically take 1/4 of the normal damage from your blast with no saving throw. Any time a creature enters the area, it takes half the normal damage from your blast, as do creatures that end their turns in the area. The entire area counts as difficult terrain. This infusion lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier or until you use it again.


Source Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type form infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire
Saving Throw Reflex half
Flames explode outward from your body, dealing your blast damage to all creatures and objects within a 20- foot radius.

Disintegrating Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type substance infusion; Level 6; Burn 4
Associated Blasts force
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; see text
You can use force to rip your targets apart. Against creatures, your kinetic blast deals double its normal amount of damage, but targets receive a saving throw to reduce the damage to half the blast’s normal amount of damage (for a total of 1/4 of the blast’s increased damage). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by the blast is disintegrated, as the spell disintegrate. You can use the infused blast to destroy force effects or objects as disintegrate, but for each force effect or 10-foot cube of nonliving matter you destroy in this way, you must accept 1 point of burn, which can’t be reduced by effects such as infusion specialization or gather power.

Draining Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 18
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any simple
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; see text
You can drain elemental energy and matter from your foes to strengthen your next attack. When you use this infusion, your kinetic blast affects only creatures with a subtype matching your kinetic blast’s element (for instance, a fire blast would damage only creatures of the fire subtype). Against such creatures, your blast targets touch AC (if it requires an attack roll) and always allows spell resistance. Because you are draining energy from the target, your blast doesn’t apply your elemental overflow bonuses or Constitution modifier. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to take 1/4 the normal amount of damage. Draining infusion ignores any damage reduction, resistances, and immunities the creature might possess. If at least one creature fails its saving throw against your draining infusion, you can reduce the total burn cost of any one blast wild talent used before the end of your next turn by 1, or by 2 if you have the supercharge ability. If you use draining infusion again before applying this reduction, you still deal the damage from that draining infusion, but the burn reductions don’t stack.

Elemental Trap

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw Reflex half, see text
You touch an area of natural ground, drawing up elemental energy that roils just below the surface, ready to explode when stepped on. This 5-foot square detonates when triggered by a weight of 10 pounds or more, affecting all creatures within 10 feet of the trap with your simple blast (or composite blast, if you have it). Any creature other than the one that triggered the elemental trap can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The elemental trap lasts until the next time you use this wild talent or until it triggers. This counts as a magical trap with a Perception and Disable Device DC equal to 10 + your kineticist level + your Dexterity modifier. You can accept 2 points of burn, which cannot be reduced with gather power, to make a new trap without dismissing any previous traps. If you do, the trap lasts until the next time you recover burn.

Energize Weapon

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air, fire, void, water; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts blue flame, cold, electric, fire, negative
Saving Throw none
Choose a manufactured weapon in your hand (not an unarmed strike or natural attack); if the weapon is a double weapon, you must choose one of its ends to receive this benefit. You imbue the chosen weapon with your elemental energy as part of an attack action, charge action, or full-attack action to add extra damage to each of your attacks with that weapon until the beginning of your next turn. Your attacks with the chosen weapon during that action deal 1d6 additional points of damage. At 7th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus damage increases by 1d6 points. Blue flame blasts deal double this additional damage. The additional damage is of the same type as the infused blast’s damage. This additional damage ignores spell resistance and doesn’t apply any modifiers to your kinetic blast’s damage (such as your Constitution modifier).

Enervating Infusion

Source Occult Origins pg. 6
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Associated Blasts negative, void
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Your kinetic blast drains life force. Foes that take damage from your infused blast also take 1 temporary negative level. Negative levels from this infusion fade after 24 hours and never become permanent.

Entangling Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element earth, water, wood; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts autumn, blizzard, cold, earth, ice, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw Reflex negates
Your kinetic blast surrounds your foes in elemental matter. Whenever a blast with this infusion deals damage to a foe, that foe becomes entangled for 1 minute. The foe can remove this condition as a standard action with a successful Escape Artist or Strength check (with the same DC as for saves against your kinetic blast) or by dealing an amount of damage to the entangling matter equal to double your kineticist level (the matter has hardness 0). If the foe was already entangled by this infusion and fails its save against a second instance of this infusion, the increased amount of elemental matter fuses to the ground, causing the foe to be rooted in place as though anchored to an immobile object.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, magma, steam
Saving Throw Reflex half
Your kinetic blast erupts from the ground in a pillar centered anywhere within 120 feet of you. The pillar affects all creatures and objects in a 10-foot-radius cylinder that extends 40 feet above the ground. An energy blast infused with eruption deals its normal damage to each target, while a physical blast deals half its normal amount of damage. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type form infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire
Saving Throw Reflex half
You focus your energy on a point in space and create a controlled explosion. You can center the explosion anywhere within 120 feet of you, and you can choose the radius of the spread to be 5, 10, 15, or 20 feet. All creatures and objects within the explosion take your blast’s damage. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Extended Range

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast can strike any target within 120 feet.

Extreme Range

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast can strike any target within 480 feet.

Fan of Flames

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire
Saving Throw Reflex half
Your kinetic blast extends in a fan of flames, damaging all creatures and objects in a 15-foot cone. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Flash Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, plasma
Saving Throw Will negates
Your kinetic blast is so bright that it blinds your foes. Whenever an infused blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, that foe must succeed at a Will save or be blinded for 1 round, regardless of whether it takes damage from the blast. You can reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase the DC of this save by 2.

Flurry of Blasts

Source Occult Adventures pg. 19
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
Instead of a single kinetic blast, you shoot two kinetic blasts at targets within 120 feet that each deal damage as if your kineticist level were 1st (effects or abilities that increase your kinetic blast’s damage don’t apply). At 10th level, you can shoot three blasts with flurry of blasts; this increases to four blasts at 16th level and to five blasts at 20th level. If you are under the effect of haste or similar magic that increases your number of attacks in a fullattack action, the number of kinetic blasts in your flurry of blasts increases by 1.

No two targets can be more than 30 feet apart. You must assign the targets of all your blasts before rolling any of the attacks. Any blast beyond the first that hits the same target adds 1d6 points of damage; bonuses and penalties to damage don’t apply. If you are using a substance infusion that requires a saving throw, a target attempts its save only once (even if it was hit multiple times), but it takes a penalty on the save equal to the number of times it was hit beyond the first. If you are using a substance infusion that requires a caster level check or combat maneuver check, you roll the check only once against each target, but you gain a bonus on the check equal to the number of times that target was hit beyond the first. If you are using the pushing substance infusion, the maximum distance of the push increases by 5 feet for each time the target was hit beyond the first.

Focused Blast

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You focus your blast in a concentrated attack. You gain a +1 enhancement bonus on your attack roll with the blast and your caster level check to overcome spell resistance. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion by 2 to increase the enhancement bonus by 1, to a maximum of +5 for 10 burn. You can reduce your blast’s total damage by half to reduce the burn cost of this infusion by half as well.

Foe Throw

Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts telekinetic
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; see text
Your telekinetic blast can throw a Large or smaller creature instead of an unattended object; you can increase the burn cost by 1 to affect a creature of a larger size. If the creature you attempt to throw succeeds at a Fortitude save, it negates the blast entirely. Otherwise, if your blast hits, both the thrown creature and the target take the full amount of damage from your telekinetic blast, and the thrown creature falls prone in the last unoccupied space along its path. If your blast misses, the thrown creature can choose to occupy any space within 30 feet of the target, it doesn’t fall prone, and it takes half the normal amount of damage from your blast. The movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Force Hook

Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts force
Saving Throw none
Your force blast hooks onto its target and drags you adjacent to it. This effect functions as force hook chargeUM, except with the range and damage of your force blast.

Foxfire Infusion

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element fire, wood; Type substance infusion (Sp); Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite foxfire or positive blast
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, positive
Saving Throw Will partial
Your blast leaves behind flickering flames that reveal the target’s location as per faerie fire for 1 minute (or until your next turn if the target succeeds at its save). This effect occurs even if the foe doesn’t take damage, as long as the attack overcomes spell resistance (if any). You can reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase the DC of this saving throw by 2. A creature can remove the revealing flames early by taking a full-round action to extinguish them.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element earth, water; Type form infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts earth, ice, metal
Saving Throw none or Reflex half; see text
You throw a volatile sphere of solid matter that shatters into countless shards. Attempt a ranged attack roll against a target within 120 feet. If you hit, the target takes your kinetic blast damage with no saving throw. All other creatures and objects within a 20-foot burst take half the normal amount of damage and can attempt a Reflex save to reduce that damage by half again. If the attack misses its target, the blast has no effect. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Grappling Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
Your cloud, deadly earth, or wall blast grows tendrils that hold your enemies in place. Whenever a creature takes damage from the infused blast, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to have the blast grapple that opponent. Your bonus on this check is equal to 2 + your kineticist level + your Constitution modifier (treat the blast as a Huge creature). The blast only grapples opponents; it can’t perform other functions of grapple maneuvers such as pinning or moving the opponent. If the blast is already grappling an opponent, it receives a +5 bonus on its combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple, as normal. You can use this infusion only if you also use the cloud, deadly earth, or wall form infusion.

Gusting Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts air, blizzard, sandstorm, thunderstorm
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
The wind from your infusion causes your blast to act as an instantaneous gust of wind. If your blast has a clear path, you can accept 2 additional points of burn or reduce the damage to 0 in order to cause the gust of wind effect to persist for 1 round along that path.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element earth, water, wood; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts autumn, earth, ice, metal, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw none
You extend a long, sharp spike of elemental matter along a line, impaling multiple foes. Make a single attack roll against each creature or object in a 30-foot line, starting with the closest target. If the result is a critical threat, roll to confirm against only the first target you hit. Calculate damage against each target you hit, starting from the closest. If your attack hits a target but fails to deal physical damage to that target, the spike fails to penetrate and the infused blast doesn’t continue. A blast with the impale infusion can penetrate solid barriers, but it must deal enough damage to destroy the barrier in order to continue through. Infused earth and metal blasts always deal piercing damage.

Kinetic Blade

Source Occult Adventures pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You form a weapon using your kinetic abilities. You create a non-reach, light or one-handed weapon in your hand formed of pure energy or elemental matter. (If you’re a telekineticist, you instead transfer the power of your kinetic blast to any object held in one hand.) The kinetic blade’s shape is purely cosmetic and doesn’t affect the damage dice, critical threat range, or critical multiplier of the kinetic blade, nor does it grant the kinetic blade any weapon special features. The object held by a telekineticist for this form infusion doesn’t prevent her from using gather power.

You can use this form infusion once as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action in order to make melee attacks with your kinetic blade. Since it’s part of another action (and isn’t an action itself), using this wild talent doesn’t provoke any additional attacks of opportunity. The kinetic blade deals your kinetic blast damage on each hit (applying any modifiers to your kinetic blast’s damage as normal, but not your Strength modifier). The blade disappears at the end of your turn. The weapon deals the same damage type that your kinetic blast deals, and it interacts with Armor Class and spell resistance as normal for a blast of its type. Even if a telekineticist uses this power on a magic weapon or another unusual object, the attack doesn’t use any of the magic weapon’s bonuses or effects and simply deals the telekineticist’s blast damage. The kinetic blade doesn’t add the damage bonus from elemental overflow.

Kinetic Fist

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You surround your body with energy or elemental matter from your kinetic abilities. You can use this form infusion as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action to add damage to each of your natural attacks and unarmed strikes until the beginning of your next turn. Since kinetic fist is part of another action, using this wild talent doesn’t provoke any additional attack of opportunity. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast’s damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your kinetic blast’s damage. This extra damage ignores spell resistance and doesn’t apply any modifiers to your kinetic blast’s damage, such as your Constitution modifier.

Kinetic Whip

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite kinetic blade
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You form a long tendril of energy or elemental matter. This functions as kinetic blade but counts as a reach weapon appropriate for your size. Unlike most reach weapons, the kinetic whip can also attack nearby creatures. The kinetic whip disappears at the beginning of your next turn, but in the intervening time, it threatens all squares within its reach, allowing you to make attacks of opportunity that deal the whip’s usual damage.

Kundalini Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite ki pool, kinetic fist
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw Fortitude partial
You infuse your elemental energy with kundalini serpent fire. Choose a chakra you can currently open; you must accept an amount of burn equal to the chakra’s number (1 for root, 2 for sacral, and so on). Your unarmed strikes with the infused blast cause the target to suffer the effects of blocking the chosen chakra as per the Block Chakras or Block Upper Chakras feat. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.


Source Psychic Anthology pg. 20
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type substance infusion; Level 8; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts charged water, water
Saving Throw Reflex partial
You create a 20-foot-radius whirling maelstrom in a body of water within 120 feet (the area of the maelstrom does not include any squares in the radius that aren’t in the water). Any creature in the maelstrom immediately takes one-quarter your blast’s normal damage regardless of whether it succeeds at its save. A creature that succeeds at its Reflex save can choose to exit the area at the closest space. A creature in the maelstrom must succeed at a DC 35 Swim check in order to swim, and any creature that enters the maelstrom or ends its turn in the maelstrom takes half your blast’s normal damage. As a free action at the beginning of your turn, you can position each creature in the maelstrom anywhere you choose within the affected area. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier or until you use this infusion again. You can use grappling infusion with this infusion.

Magnetic Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element air, earth; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts charged water, electric, metal, plasma, thunderstorm
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast causes your foes to become mildly magnetic. Whenever an infused blast deals damage to a foe, attacks made with metal weapons (including metal kinetic blasts) against that foe receive a +4 bonus until the end of your next turn, and the foe takes a –4 penalty on Reflex saving throws to avoid metallic objects.

Many Throw

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type form infusion; Level 8; Burn 4
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts telekinesis
Saving Throw none
You grab a large number of objects and throw them all at once. You can use your telekinetic blast to make attack rolls against a number of targets equal to your kineticist level within 120 feet, but no two targets can be more than 30 feet apart.

Mobile Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw Reflex negates
You send an elemental mass, energy ball, or object into a particular square within 30 feet, dealing 1/4 the normal amount of damage (or half the normal amount of damage, for an energy blast) to all creatures in that square. The mobile blast lasts until you dismiss it as a free action, lose consciousness, or move farther than 30 feet from it. Each round on your turn as a move action, you can move the mobile blast to another square within range; either way, it continues to deal damage to all creatures in its final square each round if they fail their saving throws. You can have only a single mobile blast in existence at a time. If the mobile blast’s total burn cost before applying any reduction for gather power is 0, it has no maximum duration. Otherwise, it lasts for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, and afterward you can’t create another mobile blast for a number of minutes equal to the number of rounds it existed. A mobile blast is always extremely loud and visible. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Penetrating Infusion

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air, fire, water; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts blue flame, cold, electric, fire
Saving Throw none
The intensity of your blasts allows you to break through your foes’ resistances. Treat your foe’s cold, electricity, or fire resistance as if it were 5 lower for the purpose of determining the infused blast’s damage; this doesn’t stack with the reduction from searing flame. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion to further reduce the foe’s resistance against the infused blast by 5 per additional point of burn accepted. This has no effect on creatures with immunity.

Photokinetic Infusion

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Prerequisite positive blast
Associated Blasts positive
Saving Throw none
Your blast damages living creatures with light. This deals normal damage to undead creatures but also deals minimum damage (1 point of damage per d6, can’t be increased by the 9th-level improvement to metakinesis) to living creatures. Undead creatures that are particularly vulnerable to sunlight, such as vampires, take 1 extra point of damage per die from the infused blast.

Pulling Infusion

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts gravity, void
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast pulls foes toward you. Attempt a dragAPG combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast (the blast always drags the foe closer to you), using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your CMB. This infusion can pull a foe a maximum of 5 feet. You can increase the maximum distance pulled by 5 feet per additional point of burn accepted.

Pure-Flame Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Associated Blasts blue flame
Saving Throw none
You open a direct conduit to the purest elemental fire and send it surging forth. Your infused blast ignores spell resistance.

Pushing Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element aether, air, earth, void, water, wood; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts air, autumn, blizzard, charged water, earth, gravity, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm, spring, steam, summer, telekinetic, verdant, void, water, winter, wood
Saving Throw none
The momentum of your kinetic blast knocks foes back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your bonus. This infusion can push a foe back by a maximum of 5 feet. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion to increase the maximum distance pushed by 5 feet per additional point of burn accepted. You can’t use this infusion with a form infusion such as cloud that causes your kinetic blast to lack a clear direction to push.

Quenching Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts charged water, water
Saving Throw none
Your blast puts out nonmagical fires as if they had been touched by a water elemental. If you increase the burn cost to 2 or reduce the damage to 0, it also dispels magical fires as if you were a water elemental with a number of Hit Dice equal to your kineticist level.

Rare-Metal Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts metal
Saving Throw none
You can control the properties of metal, allowing your metal blast to bypass damage reduction as if it were adamantine, cold iron, or silver (your choice). If your target has an unusual type of damage reduction that could be overcome with the correct type of metal (such as DR/gold), you can also select that metal for this purpose. The metal you create with this infusion crumbles away shortly thereafter and has no gp value.

Shepherd of Souls

Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Associated Blasts any simple
Saving Throw Will negates
When your blast kills a living creature, it helps shepherd the creature’s soul to the Boneyard, warding against effects of spells that would attempt to restore the creature to life. Spellcasters attempting to bring the creature back from the dead using raise dead or similar magic must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + your kineticist level) or the spell fails and the material component is wasted.


Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type form infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts gravity, negative, void
Saving Throw Reflex half
You create a growing singularity. Choose a grid intersection within 30 feet. All creatures and objects in a 5-foot-radius burst centered on the intersection take 1/4 your blast’s normal amount of damage (or half damage for a negative blast). On your next turn, the singularity deals damage in a 10-foot-radius burst, and on your turn after that, it deals damage in a 15-foot-radius burst. The DC is Dexterity-based.

Slick Infusion

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Prerequisite slick
Associated Blasts blizzard, charged water, cold, ice, water
Saving Throw Reflex negates
Your blast leaves behind slippery water or ice in its area for as long as the blast is in that area and for 1 round thereafter, making the area difficult terrain and increasing the DC of Acrobatics checks attempted in the area by 5. You can use this infusion only if you also use a form infusion that has an area of effect.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite extended range
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You have fine control over your kinetic blast, allowing you to alter its path to avoid obstacles. You can trace out any path no more than 120 feet long for your blast, potentially allowing you to avoid cover (even total cover). You can choose a path that leads into squares you cannot see.


Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw Reflex negates (see text)
You throw a long, roughly 5-foot-by-10-foot spindle of elemental matter or energy (or nearby unattended objects in the case of telekineticists) up to 30 feet away, damaging all creatures and objects within any two adjacent 5-foot squares unless they succeed at a Reflex save. An energy blast infused with spindle deals its normal damage to each target, while a physical blast infused with spindle deals half its normal damage to each target. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Spore Infusion

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Creatures that take piercing or slashing damage from your blast are infected with spores. If a target fails its Fortitude save, it takes 1d6 points of damage per round for 10 rounds as plants and fungi grow out of its body. At the end of that time, the target is exposed to the pulsing puffs disease. This infusion is a disease effect. When using a wood kinetic blast against a creature infected by this infusion, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to saving throw DCs, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.

Pulsing Puffs: Blast—injury; save Fort DC 18; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saving throws.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type form infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts charged water, water
Saving Throw Reflex half
You diffuse your kinetic blast to spray out wildly. All creatures and objects in a 30-foot cone take half your normal amount of blast damage. The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Stylish Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite brawler's flurry or flurry of blows class feature, kinetic fist
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
When you learn this infusion, select an unchained monk style strike. You can use that style strike during a flurry of blows with your infused blast, though you must still follow the limitation of one style strike per flurry of blows (or two if you are a 15th-level unchained monk). If you select flying kick, the distance is equal to your elemental overflow bonus on attack rolls × 10 feet. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.

Special: You can select this infusion multiple times. Each time, you must select a different style strike.

Synaptic Infusion

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts electric, charged water, thunderstorm
Saving Throw Will negates
Your blast sends strange electric signals through the target’s body, scrambling its synapses and causing it to become staggered for 1 round. The target is aware it can choose to take a move action to remove the staggered condition inflicted by this infusion. This infusion is a mind-affecting effect.

Telekinetic Boomerang

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts telekinetic
Saving Throw none
This functions as telekinetic blast, except you maintain an elastic strand of aether attached to the object you throw. This allows you to pull it back to you after the attack and catch it if you have enough free hands (and assuming it is small enough for you to carry). This prevents the object from taking damage, but it also prevents you from loosening the strands of aether (see telekinetic blast). Alternatively, if the attack missed, on your next turn as a standard action, you can you can snap the elastic strand back to make another attack with the same substance infusion and metakinesis, as if using a normal telekinetic blast (at which point the object takes damage and doesn’t return to you, and you can’t try again).

Thundering Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts electric, thunderstorm
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Your lightning brings with it a peal of thunder. Whenever your infused blast hits a foe and penetrates spell resistance, that foe becomes deafened, even if the blast doesn’t deal damage.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air, fire, water; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts air, blizzard, blue flame, charged water, electric, fire, magma, mud, plasma, sandstorm, steam, thunderstorm, water
Saving Throw Reflex half
A torrent of energy buffets or burns all foes in a 30-foot line, dealing half your normal amount of blast damage (or full damage for energy blasts). The saving throw DC is Dexterity-based.

Toxic Infusion

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
The plants in your blast are mildly toxic. All creatures that take piercing or slashing damage from your blast are sickened for 1 round.

Toxic Infusion, Greater

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisite toxic infusion
Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
Your plant toxin is more virulent. Each time you use this infusion, choose a physical ability score. Creatures that take piercing or slashing damage from your blast are exposed to your poison.

Blast—injury; save Fort; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 damage to the chosen ability score; cure 2 consecutive saves.


Source Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type form infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts earth
Saving Throw none
You send a tremor through the ground or other solid surface with which you are in contact, allowing you to affect a burrowing or incorporeal creature within that same surface with a normal kinetic blast. This infusion doesn’t allow you to attack creatures above the ground if you are burrowing or to ignore total cover provided by factors other than burrowing.

Turning Blast

Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element void, wood; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Prerequisite duskwalker, or Planar Infusion (Boneyard)
Associated Blasts positive, negative
Saving Throw Will negates
Undead that take damage from a turning blast must succeed at a Will save or flee for 1 round. An undead creature that succeeds at its saving throw against a turning blast is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Unblinking Flame Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 30
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite kinetic fist, member of the Monastery of Unblinking Flame
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire
Saving Throw none
The flame of your infused blast illuminates and reveals the target as it really is. If you hit the target with an unarmed strike with the infused blast, creatures can see the target as if using true seeing for 1 round, although only the target is revealed in this way. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.

Unbreaking Waves Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 30
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite kinetic fist, member of the Monastery of Unbreaking Waves (Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–24: Beneath Unbroken Waves)
Associated Blasts ice, water
Saving Throw none
Your infused blast buffets and redirects enemies with waves. Attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your combat maneuver bonus. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.

Unfolding Wind Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 30
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite kinetic fist, member of the Monastery of Unfolding Wind
Associated Blasts air, thunderstorm
Saving Throw none
Unfolding winds carry you along. Before your first attack and again after each unarmed strike with the infused blast, you can move 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.

Unnerving Infusion

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts negative, void
Saving Throw Will negates
Your kinetic blast sends the fear of oblivion into your foes. Whenever an infused blast deals negative energy damage to a living foe, it is shaken for 1 round. This shaken condition doesn’t stack with itself.

Unraveling Infusion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts blue flame, fire
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast burns so hot that it melts away your foe’s magical effects. Whenever your infused blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, you can attempt a caster level check as if using a targeted dispel magic before determining whether the foe takes damage from the blast. You can choose to reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase your bonus on the caster level check by 2. If you don’t choose a specific spell effect to attempt to dispel, you automatically attempt to dispel effects that would protect the target from fire damage before other spells.

Untwisting Iron Infusion

Source Martial Arts Handbook pg. 30
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite kinetic fist, member of the Monastery of Untwisting Iron
Associated Blasts earth, metal
Saving Throw none
Each time you hit a foe with an unarmed strike with your infused blast, increase your DR/adamantine from flesh of stone by 1 until the start of your next turn. You can use this infusion only while also using the kinetic fist form infusion.

Vampiric Infusion

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Prerequisite void healer
Associated Blasts negative void
Saving Throw none
Your kinetic blast can drain your foes’ vitality to replenish your own. If your blast hits (or the enemy fails its saving throw against a blast without an attack roll), you can activate the void healer utility wild talent on yourself by accepting its burn cost; you don’t need to take an action to do so. The void healer utility wild talent heals you when used in this way even if you are a living creature.

Venom Admixture

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Prerequisite venom speaker
Saving Throw see text
You can infuse your kinetic blast with poison. To use this infusion, you must be holding a dose of poison or have at least one use of a feat or racial trait that produces poison (such as the Spit Venom feat or the toxic skin grippli alternate racial trait). One dose of poison or one use of your feat or racial trait is consumed if applicable, and creatures damaged by the infused blast are affected by the poison. Use the same type, save, save DC, frequency, effect, and cure as the consumed poison.

Venom Infusion

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Prerequisite venom speaker
Associated Blasts any simple or composite
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
All of your blasts are mildly toxic. Creatures that take damage from your blast are sickened for 1 round.

Venom Infusion, Greater

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisite venom speaker, venom infusion
Associated Blasts any simple or composite
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
This talent functions as the greater toxic infusion wild talent, except it affects any creature that takes any type of damage from the blast.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You create a wall of churning elements, flensing debris, or roiling energy. The wall appears within 30 feet and can be either up to 10 feet high and up to 120 feet long or up to 20 feet high and up to 60 feet long. All creatures and objects in one of the wall’s squares when you create it take 1/4 the normal damage from your blast with no saving throw (or half the normal damage for an energy blast). Anytime a creature crosses the wall, it takes half the normal damage from your blast (or full damage for an energy blast). The wall is not completely solid, but it does provide cover against attacks from the other side of the wall. The wall lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier or until you use a wall infusion again.

Weighing Infusion

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 21
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts gravity, void
Saving Throw Reflex negates
This infusion functions as entangling infusion, except it entangles and immobilizes a foe by increasing its weight, rather than surrounding it in elemental matter.

Whip Hurricane

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 6; Burn 4
Prerequisite kinetic blade, kinetic whip, blade whirlwind
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
As blade whirlwind, except it manifests a kinetic whip, and the whip lasts until the beginning of your next turn or until you use any form infusion that creates a blade or whip again, whichever comes first.

Utility Wild Talents

A kineticist can select one of the following wild talents at each even level, provided she meets the prerequisites.


Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisite emptiness
You are always under the effect of nondetection as if you had cast it on yourself. If the effect is dispelled, you can call if forth again as a standard action. You can accept 1 point of burn to grant a creature touched the effects of nondetection.

Aerial Adaptation

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You are immune to altitude sickness, and gain an amount of electricity resistance equal to twice your current amount of burn.

Aerial Evasion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 1
Prerequisite enveloping winds
You use wind to buffet yourself away from area attacks. Until the next time your burn is removed, you gain evasion, as the rogue class feature.

Aether Architect

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Su); Level 9; Burn 0
You can spin a small building, bridge, or other edifice out of aether, and even use aether to tether a building to a flat surface other than the ground. By concentrating for 10 minutes, you can create an edifice out of scintillating aether (same hardness and hit points as a wall of force) as long as the edifice is no larger than one 10-foot cube per kineticist level. Unless the creation is extremely simplistic, you must succeed at a Craft or Knowledge (engineering) check to add embellishments. This ability can also create a series of tethers to securely attach a normal building to a vertical surface or even a cavern ceiling. Aether architect lasts as long as you concentrate, and you can accept 1 point of burn to make the effect last until destroyed; by accepting this burn, you can use this ability any number of times in a row to create a larger edifice.

Aether Puppet

Source Occult Adventures pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
You use strands of aether to animate an object. You can animate a Medium or smaller object as an animated object (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14) with no Construction Point abilities (except for stone or metal [common], if the object is constructed of one of those materials). Each round on your turn, you must take a move action to guide the object, or it reverts to its inanimate state. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can pour a bit of your own sentience into the aether puppet, allowing the effect to persist for 1 round per kineticist level without requiring additional actions. At 12th level, you can animate a Large or smaller object, which gains all the abilities of the Medium animated object plus the additional attack ability. At 14th level, you can animate a Huge or smaller object, which gains all the abilities of the Large animated object. At 16th level, you can animate a Gargantuan or smaller object, which gains all the abilities of the Huge animated object, as well as the metal (mithral) ability if the object is made of mithral. At 18th level, you can animate a Colossal or smaller object, which gains all the abilities of the Gargantuan animated object, plus the metal (adamantine) ability if the object is made of adamantine.

Air Cushion

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You cushion a fall from any height. You are constantly under the effects of feather fall, and you count as one size category larger for the purpose of determining how you are affected by wind.

Air Shroud

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You are always surrounded by air, as air bubbleUC. As a standard action, you can accept 1 point of burn to extend the effect to a number of additional creatures equal to your Constitution modifier for 1 minute per kineticist level you possess.

Air Shroud, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite air shroud
Your air shroud improves, granting you the benefits of life bubbleAPG. When you accept burn to grant the benefit to others, the benefit lasts until the next time your burn is removed.

Air's Leap

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You are always considered to have a running start when jumping, you add your kineticist level as a bonus on all Acrobatics checks to jump, you jump twice as far or high as the results of your check indicate, and you can accept 1 point of burn when jumping to double the distance you jump again (to a total of four times as far).

Air's Reach

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn
When using air blasts, air wild talents, or composite blasts that include air, double the blast’s effective range. This effect applies after altering the range due to effects such as the extended range infusion. This doubles only the blast’s effective range, not the area of effect for infusions like cloud and cyclone.

Angelic Protection

Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element aether, water, wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite kinetic healer wild talent, aasimar or Planar Infusion (Elysium, Heaven, Nirvana)
Saving Throw none; SR none
When you use kinetic healer, the target of the healing gains the benefits of protection from evil for 1 round.

Basic Aerokinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can create a light breeze that blows against a creature or object from a direction of your choice that follows the target wherever it goes. The breeze grants the subject a +2 bonus on saves against very hot conditions, severe heat, breath weapons, and cloud vapors and gases (such as cloudkill, stinking cloud, and inhaled poisons). This wild talent doesn’t function without air or while underwater. You can have only one such breeze active at any one time.

You can also use your aerokinesis to make it harder to detect you or others by scent. You can designate a number of creatures or objects equal to your Constitution bonus. These creatures and objects always count as being downwind for the purpose of determining the distance at which they can be detected by scent. This effect lasts for 1 hour or until you use basic aerokinesis again, whichever comes first.

Basic Chaokinesis

Source Occult Origins pg. 6
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can create a shadow that protects a target from bright light. You can also change gravity to increase a creature’s carrying capacity by half or grant a creature a +4 bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump. Each benefit lasts 1 hour or until you use basic chaokinesis again.

Basic Geokinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can move up to 5 pounds per kineticist level of rocks, loose earth, sand, clay, and other similar materials up to 15 feet as a move action. You can search earthen and stone areas from a distance as if using the siftAPG cantrip.

Basic Hydrokinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can create water as the cantrip create water, purify water as if using purify food and drink, and dry wet creatures and objects as if using prestidigitation. While you cannot lift water into the air using this ability, you can create mild currents in a body of water by concentrating. These currents are strong enough to run a water mill as if the mill were being turned manually by a creature with a Strength score equal to your Constitution score.

Basic Phytokinesis

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can prune and otherwise tend plants within 30 feet without using gardening tools. You can search wooded areas and other plant-heavy areas from a distance as if using the sift cantrip. By concentrating, you can detect plants within 120 feet as if using detect animals or plants.

Basic Pyrokinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can use your inner flame to reproduce the effects of a flare, light, or sparkAPG cantrip, except that the light you create with light produces heat like a normal flame; using any of the three abilities ends any previous light effect from this wild talent.

Basic Telekinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
This ability is similar to mage hand, except you can move an object that weighs up to 5 pounds per 2 kineticist levels you possess (minimum 5 pounds), and you can move magical objects. Additionally, you can create a container of entwined strands of aether in order to hold liquids or piles of small objects of the same weight. You can dip the container to pick up or drop a liquid as a move action. If you possess the extended range wild talent, you can increase the range of basic telekinesis to medium range and increase the rate of movement to 30 feet per round, and if you possess the extreme range wild talent, you can increase the range of basic telekinesis to long range and increase the rate of movement to 60 feet per round. You can also use your basic telekinesis to duplicate the effects of the open/close cantrip.

Body of Air

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You transform yourself into gas, as per gaseous form. You can’t use kinetic blasts while in this form.


Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
You can gain a climb speed equal to your base speed when moving through forested terrain.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You can galvanize the flow of electricity within your allies to enhance their speed. This acts as haste except it lasts for 1 round. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you possess.

Clockwork Heart

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite metal blast
You have used your power over metal to add clockwork components to your own body. So long as these clockwork components are kept wound (per the winding ability of the clockwork subtype), you gain the benefits of both the Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes feats.

Clockwork Puppet

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite metal blast
You can weave metal into clockwork parts, creating clockwork constructs to attack your foes. This functions as the aether puppet wild talent, except the object animated gains the clockwork subtype and cannot have the stone Construction Point ability.

Cold Adaptation

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element fire, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You are constantly protected by endure elements against cold temperatures only. You gain cold resistance equal to twice your current amount of burn.

Cold Snap

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 1
Prerequisite cold adaptation, shroud of water
You chill your shroud of water and send the cold around you, creating an aura of numbing cold around yourself. Until the next time your burn is removed, you can begin or end the cold aura at will as a swift action. The temperature in the area 30 feet around you lowers by 5° F per kineticist level you possess, to a minimum modified temperature of –10° F. If this brings the temperature in the area below 40° F, all creatures within 5 feet of you take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. You are immune to these effects, as are creatures that are immune to cold or that benefit from effects that protect against temperature, such as endure elements.

Corpse Puppet

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You draw upon negative energy to animate a nearby corpse as a zombie or a fast zombie (your choice). You can animate a zombie only if its Hit Dice are no greater than your kineticist level – 4. Each round on your turn, you must take a move action to guide the zombie, or it reverts to a corpse (but retains any damage if you later turn it into a zombie again with this utility talent). By accepting 1 point of burn, you can pour a bit of your own sentience into the zombie, allowing it to persist for 1 round per kineticist level without requiring additional actions on your part, or until the next time your burn is removed if the zombie has half your maximum zombie Hit Dice or fewer. At 12th level, you can animate a zombie with a number of Hit Dice no greater than your kineticist level – 2. At 16th level, you can animate a zombie with a number of Hit Dice no greater than your kineticist level.

Cryokinetic Stasis

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 1
You encase yourself or a willing target in an icy sheen, placing the target in a state of suspended animation, as per temporal stasis except fire spells and spell-like abilities of 3rd level or higher count as if the caster used dispel magic against the stasis. Otherwise, no other force or effect can harm the target.

Curse Breaker

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisite emptiness
The power of void protects you from curses and allows you to remove or suppress them. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against curses and hexes. You can accept 1 point of burn as a standard action to attempt a caster level check to remove a curse on yourself or another as per remove curse. If the curse normally could not be removed by remove curse, you can instead suppress the curse until the next time your burn is removed with a successful caster level check. When your burn is removed, you can choose not to remove the burn you spent in this way to continue suppressing the curse without interruption. If you die, any curse suppressed in this way returns instantly.

Earth Child

Source Occult Realms pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn
Blending your form with crystal, you have transmuted yourself into something akin to an oread. You keep your original racial abilities (including your ability score adjustments, but not your movement speed) and also gain all oread racial abilities (including an oread’s movement speed and the outsider [native] type) except for ability score adjustments. You have the crystalline form alternate racial trait (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 144) instead of earth affinity, but cannot otherwise choose alternate racial traits.


See the book Occult Realms for more information on elemental saturation and attunements.

A geokineticist must spend 9 days in quiet contemplation in a fetal position amid the crystals of the Crystal Womb, succeeding at a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check each day. Crystals gradually grow on her until she is completely covered. If she fails a check, she must start over, and after each failure she must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or develop a deformity from the mutant template (Bestiary 5 180). At the end of the ninth day, she emerges reborn, with the earth child wild talent in place of one of her 3rd-level or lower utility talents. A geokineticist can halt this attunement at any point without incurring negative effects.

Earth Climb

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
You use your connection to earth to meld slightly into stone and earthen surfaces, granting you a climb speed equal to your base land speed when climbing such surfaces.

Earth Glide

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite earth climb
You can glide through earth, as an earth elemental’s earth glide ability, with a burrow speed equal to your base land speed.

Earth Tongue

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
Prerequisite greater tremorsense, tremorsense
You are constantly capable of speaking to rocks and stones, including natural and worked stone, as per stone tell. This ability is always active, and rocks and stones might speak to you before you speak to them if they have something to say.

Earth Walk

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn
Because you meld very slightly into the earth, when you are standing on an earthen surface, you ignore difficult terrain caused by rocks, earth, or mud, and while on such surfaces you add your elemental overflow bonus to your CMD against being moved or tripped and on Acrobatics checks to balance.


Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 66
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisite earth climb
You meld a creature into stone, where it can listen to conversations without being detected. This functions as the meld into stone spell, except it can work on any willing creature, not just you, and it lasts for 10 minutes per kineticist level or until you use earthmeld again. The melded creature, not you, decides when to step out of the stone. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration of an earthmeld until the next time you recover burn. Such increased earthmelds don’t end if you use earthmeld again, allowing you to maintain multiple earthmelds.

Elemental Exile

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 1
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
You transport a single creature you touch to the plane associated with your element. Precise accuracy regarding a particular arrival location on the intended plane is almost impossible. The creature appears 5 to 500 miles (5d%) from your intended destination. Elemental exile transports creatures instantaneously and then ends. The creature must find other means to travel back (such as casting plane shift or using elemental exile again).

Elemental Grip

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
You use your element to halt a creature associated with your element, as hold monster except it requires concentration to maintain, and it works only on creatures with a subtype matching one of your elements (for example, a pyrokineticist could use it on creatures of the fire subtype). At any time, you can accept 1 point of burn to remove the need to concentrate.

Elemental Transmission

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element earth, fire, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
You reach out to a creature with which you are familiar by using a conduit through an elemental plane. By concentrating for 10 minutes, you create one end of the conduit in a manifestation of your chosen element, such as a fire, pool of water, or section of earth, which must be at least 2 feet in diameter. If the creature you are attempting to contact is within earshot of a similar elemental manifestation and on the same plane, the conduit forms successfully, allowing both sides to see a likeness of the other. You can hear and talk to each other, though you cannot perceive anything else from the other side of the connection. If the creature is not within earshot of a similar elemental manifestation, you can maintain your concentration to wait until the creature comes close enough to such a feature. The connection lasts until you stop concentrating on it, use this ability again, or until the creature moves away from the conduit.

Elemental Whispers

Source Horror Adventures pg. 57
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You form a friendship with a fragment of your element. The element speaks back to you empathically, like a familiar. Pick a type of creature usually allowed as a familiar when you gain this wild talent. You gain the Alertness feat and the special abilities granted by a familiar of that type. As a standard action, you can give the voice of the element the body of such a creature, using elemental matter of the appropriate element within 30 feet. As long as you concentrate, the familiar can take actions as a normal animal of its type, and it can move any distance away from you, though if it takes any damage or you cease concentrating, it returns to your mind. You lose Alertness while the familiar is manifested in this way. The familiar gains abilities as usual for a familiar of its type, though it never gains the ability to speak with animals of its kind.

Elemental Whispers, Greater

Source Horror Adventures pg. 57
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite elemental whispers
Your friendship with the elements has grown. You gain your choice of a wyspB5 or Small elemental of your primary element as an improved familiar, without needing to meet any of the usual prerequisites for gaining such a familiar. Unlike with elemental whispers, this improved familiar acts in all ways like a familiar: it’s always manifested, it has hit points equal to 1/2 your own, and so on. You no longer receive the familiar benefits from the original creature you selected. If your improved familiar dies, you can still contact its voice in your mind and gain the Alertness feat, but you can’t cause it to manifest. If you pay the usual costs for replacing a familiar, you manifest a new form for your elemental friend.

Enduring Earth

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 4; Burn
When using earth blasts, earth wild talents, or composite blasts that include earth, double the duration if it’s longer than 1 round.

Engulfing Winds

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You bend your winds into a formidable barrier. Until the start of your next turn, you lose the benefits of enveloping winds, but can create a wind wall as the spell. You can extend the wall’s duration to 1 round per kineticist level by accepting 1 point of burn.

Expanded Defense

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 4; Burn
Choose an element you selected with expanded element. You gain that element’s defense wild talent. You can take this wild talent multiple times, choosing a different element each time.

Eyes of the Void

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn
You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet (if you already have darkvision, your darkvision’s range increases by 30 feet).

Eyes of the Void, Greater

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn
Prerequisite eyes of the void
You can see in darkness, as per the monster special ability.

Fire Corridor

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
You create a passage through a fire or pool of lava. The passage is 5 feet wide and 8 feet high. It is 10 feet long, plus 5 feet longer for every 3 kineticist levels you have. Any heat generated by the fire or lava through which the passage passes is radiated outwards, making the passage comfortable and safe. The passage lasts for 1 hour, though you can end the effect at any time as a free action. If this effect ends while a creature is inside the tunnel, that creature is affected by the fire or lava as normal.

Fire Sculptor

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can sculpt shapes out of flame or alter a fire’s spread. As a standard action, you can move one 5-foot square of an ongoing fire per kineticist level you possess to any square contiguous to that fire. For instance, a 4th-level kineticist could move 4 contiguous squares from the center of a 20-foot-by-20-foot fire to the fire’s edge in order to create a safe path to escape. The fire continues to spread normally after you sculpt it.

Fire Steed

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
You imbue a willing animal, magical beast, or other creature that can serve as a suitable mount with elemental power from the Plane of Fire, wreathing it in flames for 1 round. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you have. The mount gains fire resistance 10 and its speed increases by 10 feet. Creatures other than you who touch the mount, attack the mount with a natural weapon or unarmed strike, or attempt to mount the creature take 1d6 points of fire damage every round they are in contact with the mount.

Fire's Fury

Source Occult Adventures pg. 24
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn
When using fire blasts or composite blasts that include fire, add your elemental overflow bonus to the damage dealt. If the kinetic blast normally adds double your elemental overflow bonus to damage, these effects stack.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn
You can see through flames and smoke as if they were transparent. Creatures that are on fire or have the fire subtype never benefit from concealment or total concealment against you.

Flame Jet

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn
You shoot a burst of flame behind you as a standard action, propelling you up to 60 feet in a straight line, including into the air; any movement upward costs double. If you end your turn mid-air, you fall on your next turn unless you use flame jet again.

Flame Jet, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn
Prerequisite flame jet
You can use flame jet as a move action and can emanate a mild jet of flame, allowing you to hover without spending an action.

Flame Shield

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
Prerequisite searing flesh
Flickering flames surround you until the next time your burn is removed. While your searing flesh infusion is active, any creature that strikes you with a melee attack takes an amount of fire damage equal to 1/2 your kineticist level unless it is using a reach weapon. If the creature also takes damage from your searing flesh, it applies fire resistance only once against the total damage from both effects. You also gain the protection from cold of a warm fire shield. An attack that would deal an amount of cold damage equal to at least double your kineticist level (before you applied the protection) freezes away your flame shield after you apply its protection, ending the flame shield early.

Flame Trap

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 66
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
You lay a fiery trap on a container, ensuring the destruction of sensitive documents while punishing those who would steal your secrets. In order to weave the trap, you must spend 10 minutes in contact with the container you wish to trap. At the end of that time, the container is trapped until the next time you use this wild talent or until it triggers. Any creature other than you who opens the container takes damage as from your fire blast (or blue flame blast, if you have it). The damage affects the creature automatically if it is touching the container, but if it opens the container from within 30 feet, it can attempt a Reflex save to negate the damage, and if it opens the container from farther still, it takes no damage. Whether or not the creature that opened the container takes damage, your kinetic blast damage also affects any items within the container that you choose, as well as the container, if you wish it, and leaves all other items undamaged. This counts as a magical trap with a Perception and Disable Device DC equal to 10 + your kineticist level + your Dexterity modifier. You can accept 1 point of burn when using flame trap to make a new trap without dismissing any previous traps. If you do, the trap lasts until the next time you recover burn.

Force Barrier

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite force ward
You create an immobile sphere or hemisphere of force around your square or squares. The force barrier functions as a wall of force in all other ways. Activating this ability is a standard action, and the barrier lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Each round, just before the barrier would disappear, you can extend its duration by accepting 1 point of burn. If an attack manages to destroy the force barrier, you immediately take 1 point of burn.

Forest Siege

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 0
You can transform available plant life into a besieging army. This functions as greater siege of trees, except you need to concentrate or the effect ends, and you can change targets as a free action. If you accept 1 point of burn, you can prolong the effect without the need for concentration until the next time you recover burn, but you need to spend a standard action to change targets.


Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 58, Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element fire, wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite fire blast or positive blast
Saving Throw none; SR yes
You surround a creature with glowing flames that outline it, as per faerie fire. If you use foxfire with positive energy, the flames don’t give off heat. If you use it with fire, the flames still aren’t hot enough to deal damage immediately, but the illuminated creature counts as being under the effects of severe heat and must succeed at a Fortitude save against nonlethal damage after 10 minutes. A creature can extinguish the foxfire automatically as a full-round action.

From the Ashes

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 2
When you are about to fall unconscious or die from hit point damage, as an immediate action you can burst into flames that leave behind only ash, which cannot be appreciably affected by most attacks or effects, though a disintegrate spell or similar magic can annihilate it. At the start of your next turn, unless the ash has been completely destroyed, you arise in the square where the most ash is located, having taken the damage from the triggering effect but having also healed 5 points of damage per kineticist level you possess.

Gravity Control

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You use your gravitic abilities to move yourself, as per flame jet.

Gravity Control, Greater

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite gravity control
You have greater control over gravity, as per greater flame jet.

Gravity Master

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 0
Prerequisite gravity control, greater gravity control
You can create areas of altered gravity. This functions as reverse gravity, but you can choose for the gravity in the area to pull toward any direction (not just up). If you use this wild talent, any previous use of this wild talent expires immediately.

Greater Fire Steed

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
Prerequisite fire steed, improved fire steed
When using fire steed, the mount gains immunity to fire and its speed increases by an additional 10 feet. In addition, when the mount takes a run action, it can run up steep slopes at its normal speed and down steep slopes without its rider needing to attempt a Ride check.

Green Tongue

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 6; Burn 0
You can speak to plants and hear their whispers, as if constantly under the effect of speak with plants.

Green Tongue, Greater

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Psychic Anthology pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 7; Burn 0
Prerequisite green tongue
You can spend 10 minutes in any outdoor location that would be valid for commune with nature in order to contact and chat with fey and leshy spirits, allowing you to gain three pieces of information as per commune with nature.


Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 4; Burn 0
You can see through plant material as if you had greensight as per the universal monster rule (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 295) with a range of 60 feet.

Healing Burst

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element aether, void, water, wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 1
Prerequisite kinetic healer or void healer
Saving Throw none; SR yes
You use kinetic healer or void healer (whichever you have, or either if you have both) to heal all creatures in a 30-foot radius around you. Healing burst heals half as much damage as normal, unless your healing amount is based on positive blast, in which case it heals the full amount. Unlike kinetic healer, you must accept the burn yourself. This counts as kinetic healer for the purpose of the kinetic chirurgeon archetype (the 17th-level metahealer ability heals the kinetic chirurgeon twice—once for half and once for full).

Heat Adaptation

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You are constantly protected by endure elements against hot temperatures only. You gain an amount of fire resistance equal to twice your current amount of burn.

Heat Wave

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 1
Prerequisite heat adaptation, searing flesh
You create an aura of shimmering heat that distorts the area around you. Until the next time your burn is removed, you can begin or end the heat aura as a swift action. The temperature in the area 30 feet around you rises by 5° F per kineticist level you possess, to a maximum modified temperature of 120° F. If this brings the temperature to at least 90° F, all attacks made by creatures within 5 feet of you suffer a 20% miss chance due to concealment. You are immune to these effects, as are those immune to fire or benefiting from endure elements.

Herbal Antivenom

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Your body can produce the herbal remedies necessary to counter almost any poison. You gain a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws against poison, as if you were always under the effect of antitoxin. You can use the treat poison action from the Heal skill as a standard action with a mere touch, without a healer’s kit, and even on yourself; if you succeed, you grant the touched creature a +5 alchemical bonus against that specific instance of poison in addition to the normal +4 bonus from treat poison. You can accept 1 point of burn while using the treat poison action in this way to also produce the effects of neutralize poison.

Hurricane Queen

Source Occult Realms pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 9; Burn
You are one with the hurricane. Your enveloping winds defense wild talent has an additional 25% chance of deflecting nonmagical ranged attacks, and your total deflection chance can exceed the usual cap of 75%. All wind and weather (including creatures using the whirlwind monster ability) affect you and your attacks only if you wish them to do so; for example, you could shoot arrows directly through a tornado without penalty.


See the book Occult Realms for more information on elemental saturation and attunements.

An aerokineticist must fly around the entire perimeter of the Eye of Abendego without stopping, while succeeding at a series of 12 consecutive DC 40 Fly checks. If successful, she can learn the hurricane queen wild talent. If she fails two or fewer checks, she takes 50d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the hurricane’s galeforce winds. If she fails three or more checks, she must succeed at a DC 25 Reflex save or be pulled into the Eye of Abendego, never to return.

Ice Path

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 6; Burn 0
Prerequisite icewalker
You freeze water vapor in the air, allowing you to travel above the ground as air walk by walking along the ice, and leaving a path of ice behind you that lasts for 1 round before it melts.

Ice Sculptor

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You can sculpt ice and snow into new shapes, as the spell stone shape but affecting ice and snow instead of stone.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn
You can move across wet and icy surfaces without needing to attempt Acrobatics checks due to slipperiness, including across areas under the effects of the slick wild talent. Additionally, you are immune to seasickness.

Improved Fire Steed

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite fire steed
When using fire steed, the mount’s fire resistance increases to 20 and its speed increases by an additional 10 feet. The mount can move over lava without difficulty or a decrease in speed.

Infernal Bargain

Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite tiefling or Planar Infusion (Hell)
Saving Throw none; SR yes
As a swift action before using a utility talent on a willing target, you can add the effects of conditional favor, except that it applies to any beneficial utility talent instead of to spells of certain schools.

Jagged Flesh

Source Occult Adventures pg. 25
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 1
Prerequisite flesh of stone
You painfully push forth jagged chunks of rock from your flesh. Until the next time your burn is removed, while your flesh of stone is active, any creature that strikes you with an unarmed strike or natural weapon or that grapples you takes 1d6 points of piercing damage. Weapons that strike you also take this damage, though the damage is unlikely to penetrate the weapon’s hardness.

Kinetic Awe

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You create a terrifying display of elemental power. This ability functions as Dazzling Display, except you can use this ability as a standard action and you add half your kineticist level as a bonus on your Intimidate check if you’ve used gather power during the same round; doing so expends the gathered power. This ability otherwise counts as the Dazzling Display feat; feats and other effects which affect Dazzling Display (such as Shatter Defenses) apply to it, and it counts as Dazzling Display for the purpose of meeting combat feat prerequisites.

Kinetic Cover

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element aether, earth, water, wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You call up elemental matter to defend yourself and your allies from attacks. As a standard action, you can select one face of a square within 30 feet of you and move elemental matter to block that face, providing total cover from that direction. The face you select must be supported by the ground, and the kinetic cover cannot support more than 5 pounds of weight. Water, ice, and telekinetic force are translucent, but earth, metal, mud, and the like are opaque and block line of sight. A creature who strikes the cover can easily destroy it. Regardless of its composition, the cover has hardness 0, AC 5, and 2 hit points per kineticist level you possess. You can have a number of kinetic covers in existence equal to your Constitution modifier + 1/2 your kineticist level.

Kinetic Dissolution

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite wayang, chosen racial trait
Choose either the dissolution’s child alternate racial trait or the light and dark racial trait. You can use the chosen racial trait by accepting 1 point of burn, even if you have no daily uses of that racial trait remaining.

Kinetic Form

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
You are able to suspend your body in a large mass of elemental matter. Until the next time your burn is removed, you can change your size to Large or shift back to your original size as a standard action. This doesn’t change your ability scores in any way. At 16th level, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to instead change your size to Huge. You cannot use kinetic form to decrease your size.

Kinetic Healer

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element aether, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 1
Saving Throw none; SR yes
With a touch, you can heal a willing living creature of an amount of damage equal to your kinetic blast’s damage. Instead of paying the burn cost yourself, you can cause the recipient to take 1 point of burn. If you do so, the recipient takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per Hit Die he possesses, as usual for burn; this damage can’t be healed by any means until the recipient takes a full night’s rest.

Kinetic Restoration

Source Healer's Handbook pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 1
You recover from 1d4 points of ability score damage to one of your physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). This also eliminates any fatigue that you suffer, and improves an exhaustion condition to fatigued.

If you have the kinetic healer utility wild talent, you can use both kineticist restoration and kinetic healer on the same target with one standard action.

Kinetic Revivification

Source Healer's Handbook pg. 15
Talent Link Link
Element aether, water; Type utility (Su); Level 6; Burn
Prerequisite kinetic healer
You can bring an ally who died within 1 round back from the dead with your kinetic healer wild talent similarly to the breath of life spell, except the ally regains the normal number of hit points from the kinetic healer utility wild talent instead of the amount healed by breath of life. An ally revived in this way takes 1 point of burn + any points of burn from the kinetic healer utility wild talent (if you choose to have the ally take points of burn instead of taking it yourself).

If you have the metahealer ability (such as from the kinetic chirurgeon kineticist archetype found on page 90 of Occult Adventures), this feat instead allows you to bring an ally back who died within a number of rounds equal to 3 + the ally’s Constitution modifier (minimum 0) – the number of points of burn the ally had taken before it died. For each round that the ally was dead, when it is brought back to life in this way, it takes 1 additional point of burn + any points of burn from the kinetic healer talent.

Living Capacitor

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
You store electricity damage you take within your body, as if you constantly had body capacitanceACG active. Once you discharge this electricity damage via a touch attack, you must take electricity damage again before you can discharge it again.


Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air, earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite magnetic infusion
Saving Throw none; SR yes
You can push and pull metal objects using magnetism. This functions as telekinetic maneuvers but you can make only bull rush and dragAPG combat maneuvers, and can do so only against metal objects or creatures. If you use this ability on an attended metal object, you must exceed the creature’s CMD as normal, and if it’s holding the object, it must drop it or this ability pushes or pulls the creature.

Magnetism, Greater

Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 22
Talent Link Link
Element air, earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 0
Prerequisite magnetic infusion, magnetism
Saving Throw none; SR no
You can repel or attract metal objects in a vast line with a magnetism so strong that there is no hope of escaping. This functions as repel metal or stone, except only for metal objects, and you can also pull the objects toward you instead of pushing them away. The effect lasts for 1 round, and the pulling version of the effect can’t pull objects into the air unless they are already airborne. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you have.

Merciful Foliage

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
The First World is a place of rampant life, and you can use some of its energy to ease the danger of your attacks. You can deal nonlethal damage without taking a penalty on attack rolls with your wood blasts or composite blasts that include wood.

Mesmerizing Elementalist

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite nagaji
You gain the hypnotic gaze nagaji alternate racial trait. If you already have this trait, add +1 to the trait’s save DC instead. You can use the hypnotic gaze racial trait by accepting 1 point of burn, even if you have no daily uses of that racial trait remaining.

Nine-Tailed Kineticist

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite kitsune
You can cast a spell-like ability granted to you by any Magical Tail feat you have by accepting 1 point of burn, even if you have no daily uses of that spell-like ability remaining. You must be able to use wild talents of a level equal to the number of extra tails required to use a spell-like ability granted by a Magic Tail feat to use this ability to cast that spell-like ability (for example, you would need to be 15th level and able to use 8th-level wild talents to use this talent to cast the dominate person spell-like ability granted by Magical Tail). In addition, you can learn a Magical Tail feat that you qualify for in place of gaining a new infusion or utility wild talent.

No Breath

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn
Prerequisite emptiness
You gain no breath, as per the universal monster ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 299), and you can survive in the vacuum of space.

Past Life Evoker

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite samsaran
Once per day, you can accept 1 point of burn to choose one simple blast wild talent belonging to any element. You gain the chosen simple blast wild talent for 1 minute, using your kineticist level – 2 to determine the blast talent’s damage. The simple blast wild talent you gain in this way does not allow you to meet any prerequisites.


Source Elemental Master's Handbook pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element earth, water, wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite kinetic cover
You create a 5-foot-by-5-foot pillar of ice, packed dirt, or tangled roots with a height of up to 15 feet. This takes 1 full round, during which time the ground within the affected area rumbles conspicuously, but it rises only at the end of the round. You can’t create a pillar in an area occupied by or adjacent to any creatures unless all such creatures are willing, and if an unwilling creature moves into the area before the pillar finishes rising, it can disrupt and foil the pillar. As the pillar springs into existence, willing creatures and objects within the affected area are lifted with it.

The pillar can’t be used to crush creatures or objects against the ceiling; if insufficient room is available for the pillar and any creatures or objects on it, the pillar reaches only the maximum possible height. You can’t create a pillar under a Large or larger creature.

The pillar has AC 4, hardness 0, and 3 hit points per kineticist level. Scaling the pillar’s rough edges requires a successful DC 15 Climb check. When destroyed, when you create a new pillar, or when a number of rounds equal to your Constitution bonus (minimum 1) have elapsed, the pillar crumbles, melts, or withers away, gently lowering anything on it back to the ground.

Plant Disguise

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You can assume the shape of an immobile plant, as per tree shape but transforming into any ordinary Small or Medium plant.

Plant Puppet

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 59, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
You can control plants, causing them to attack your foes. This functions as the aether puppet wild talent, except it controls plants instead of objects. At 12th level, you can grant hardness 5 to Large and larger animated plants.

Primal Aether

Source Occult Realms pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
You can gather strands of aether twisted and warped by your experiences in the Spellscar Desert, and wind them so tightly that they explode, creating a primal magic event with a CR equal to your kineticist level. See pages 12–13 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic for more information on primal magic events.


See the book Occult Realms for more information on elemental saturation and attunements.

To locate the aether saturations deep within the desert, a telekineticist must first locate an etheric storm. Afterwards, she must succeed at both a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check and a DC 20 Survival check and spend 1d4 hours navigating the wasteland from the storm’s origin point to the saturation that spawned it. She can then learn the primal aether wild talent.

Purging Flame

Source Occult Realms pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 6; Burn 1
You can purge yourself or another with flame, removing all impurities. This functions as break enchantment on a single target. The target must be willing and takes 2 points of fire damage per character level as well as 1 point of burn (you do not need to accept burn unless you are the target). You can use this ability even when affected by an effect that denies you actions, so long as this effect is one that break enchantment could remove. If you burn rare incense or igneous rocks from Mount Kumijinja worth 100 gp or 1,000 gp as part of using purging flame, your target also benefits from restoration, as if the spell were cast using diamonds of equal value as a material component.


See the book Occult Realms for more information on elemental saturation and attunements.

A pyrokineticist must impress Mount Kumijinja’s mighty kami. This might involve an appropriate gift or a successful DC 30 Diplomacy check attempted by the kineticist or by an ally who speaks Ignan and Senzar. If she impresses the kami, the kineticist is immediately affected as if using the purging flame wild talent and can learn that wild talent.

Purifying Flames

Source Wilderness Origins pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 1
You use fire to burn poison from within a creature’s veins. You must attempt a caster level check (1d20 + your kineticist level) against the DC of each poison affecting the target. Success means that the poison is neutralized, as neutralize poison. When you attempt to neutralize poison in this way, you can choose to deal a number of points of fire damage to the poisoned creature equal to the amount of damage you normally take from accepting burn in order to reduce the DC of one poison affecting the target by 2. This reduction remains until the end of your next turn.

Reverse Shift

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
You reverse the flow of your connection to the planes, sending your body into the Ethereal Plane as ethereal jaunt. As long as you concentrate on reverse shift, you remain on the Ethereal Plane; after a number of consecutive rounds spent on the Ethereal Plane equal to your kineticist level (and every such interval thereafter), you must accept 1 point of burn. Once you return to the Material Plane, you cannot use reverse shift again for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds you spent on the Ethereal Plane.

Ride the Blast

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 6; Burn 0
You can use this wild talent as part of activating a kinetic blast other than telekinetic blast. You transform yourself into your element or energy and send yourself along with your kinetic blast. You appear at the end of the blast’s path, adjacent to the blast’s target (or final target, for form infusions like chain) or at the center of the burst or spread for form infusions like explosion. This ability doesn’t work with form infusions that involve melee attacks (such as kinetic blade) or that use a cone shape (such as spray).


Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Your body sinks roots into soft surfaces, making it hard to move you. This functions as the earth walk wild talent, except it works only on soft surfaces (like soil or snow) and not on stone. If you have both roots and earth walk, the bonuses stack while you’re on soft earth surfaces.

Searing Flame

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn
Prerequisite burning infusion
Over time, your burning infusion sears away your foe’s fire resistance. When you roll burn damage from burning infusion against a foe, decrease the foe’s fire resistance by an amount equal to the unmodified burn damage; don’t apply fire resistance to this roll for the purpose of determining the reduction. This decrease lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your kineticist level. These decreases stack, to a minimum resistance of 0.

Seismic Master

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 0
You can focus on your connection to earth and create a localized tremor, as the earthquake spell.

Self Telekinesis

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You use your telekinetic abilities to move yourself. Otherwise, this wild talent functions like flame jet.

Self Telekinesis, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite self telekinesis
You have greater control over your self telekinesis. Otherwise, this wild talent functions like greater flame jet.

Shape Wood

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You reshape wood to suit your purposes, as per wood shape.

Shift Earth

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisite kinetic cover
Saving Throw see text; SR no
As a standard action, you can push or pull a 5-foot cube of earth or unworked stone within 30 feet, moving the cube 5 feet in any direction. You can create raised platforms, stairs up a cliff, holes, or other useful features. This doesn’t cause the earth to float in the air, although in areas with plenty of earth, you can move a cube upward, creating a short pillar. If you move the earth beneath a creature’s feet, it can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to leap elsewhere and avoid moving along with the earth.

Shift Earth, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 7; Burn 0
Prerequisite kinetic cover, shift earth
You can move greater quantities of earth, as the spell move earth.

Shimmering Mirage

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
Prerequisite shroud of water
Your shroud bends light, creating a shimmering mirage. While your shroud of water is active, attacks against you suffer a 20% miss chance due to concealment until the next time your burn is removed.

Skilled Kineticist

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn
You gain a bonus equal to 1/2 your kineticist level on skill checks with the skills your primary element added to your class skill list, and you can use the Knowledge skill associated with your primary element to identify elementals of your primary element’s subtype.

Skilled Kineticist, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn
Prerequisite skilled kineticist
By delving into study of the Ethereal and Elemental Planes, you are able to use your primary element to assist with your skills in an unusual way. Add Knowledge (planes) to your list of class skills. Choose one of your kineticist class skills that wasn’t granted by your primary element to also receive the bonus from skilled kineticist.

Sky Walk

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 7; Burn 1
Prerequisite air cushon or air's leap, wings of air
By accepting 1 point of burn, you can enable your allies to fly, as mass fly, except the duration of the effect is 10 minutes.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
Saving Throw Reflex negates; SR no
As a standard action, you call forth slippery water or ice, creating any of the effects of the grease spell for 1 round. You can accept 1 point of burn at the start of your next turn to extend the duration to 1 minute per kineticist level you possess.

Smoke Storm

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; see text; SR no
You transform a source of open flame within 120 feet into a cloud of choking smoke, filling a 20-foot-radius spread and affecting vision like a smokestick. All creatures that begin their turns inside the area become sickened as long as they remain in the smoke and for 1d4+1 rounds thereafter (Fortitude negates).

Spark of Innovation

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite metal blast
You shape metal into a clockwork creature, as spark of life except you summon a clockwork earth elemental. The elemental’s type is changed to construct (clockwork) and it gains construct traits and clockwork traits instead of elemental traits. The creature loses any spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities it normally has. If you have the greater elemental whispers utility wild talent, you can take a clockwork familiar as an improved familiar with that ability instead of an earth elemental.

Spark of Life

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
You breathe a semblance of life into elemental matter, which takes the form of a Medium elemental of any of your elements as if summoned by summon monster IV with a caster level equal to your kineticist level, except the elemental gains the mindless trait. Each round on your turn, you must take a move action to guide the elemental or it collapses back into its component element. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can pour a bit of your own sentience into the elemental, removing the mindless quality and allowing it to persist for 1 round per kineticist level without requiring any further actions. At 12th level, you can choose to form a Large elemental as if by summon monster V; at 14th level, you can choose to form a Huge elemental as if by summon monster VI; at 16th level, you can choose to form a greater elemental as if by summon monster VII; and at 18th level, you can choose to form an elder elemental as if by summon monster VIII.

Spell Deflection

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 7; Burn 0
You weave strands of aether around yourself in order to deflect targeted magic back at the caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, every time you are targeted by a spell that could be affected by spell turning, roll 1d10–1 and determine the effects of the spell as if you had spell turning with that many spell levels remaining. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 10 minutes per kineticist level you possess, but in that case, it deflects only 10 spell levels in total (still rolled 1d10–1 at a time) before ending early.

Splash of the Styx

Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 8
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 1
Prerequisite tiefling or Planar Infusion (Abaddon, Abyss, or Hell)
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
You can spend 1 full round to draw upon the waters of the River Styx to erase memories of a target. This functions as modify memory, except that it can only eliminate memories.

Spying Touchsight

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 66
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Prerequisite touchsight
You attach a sticky strand of invisible aether to a target and then project your senses along the strand, allowing you to spy on that target. Attaching the strand of aether requires a ranged touch attack, but if you activate this ability while your target is under the effect of your touchsight, you can use the strands from your touchsight instead. Once you have activated spying touchsight, you can concentrate on it to spy on your target with any of your five senses (though your own body no longer benefits from the senses you project); the strand lasts as long you concentrate, though you can switch which senses you are projecting each round. A creature using see invisibility or a similar effect can notice the trailing strand of aether and follow it back to you. A creature can break your spying touchsight by dispelling it, but otherwise, the only way to break the strand is if one of you uses a teleportation effect, moves more than 1 mile from the other, or is completely blocked from the other in all directions (such as if one of you were inside a telekinetic sphere).

Stone Sculptor

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
You can sculpt earth into any shape, as the spell stone shape.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element aether, air, void, water; Type utility (Sp); Level 6; Burn 0
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; SR yes
You use aether to choke a creature within 120 feet, air to create an area of unbreathable air around it, or water to fill its throat with water. If your target needs to breathe, it must hold its breath for as long as you concentrate. On each of its turns, it can attempt a Fortitude save in order to speak, but it can breathe only if your concentration breaks, you leave the 120-foot range, or you break line of effect. You can accept 1 point of burn when activating this wild talent in order to expel the air from your target’s lungs. If you do so and the target fails its first Fortitude save, it becomes disabled and is reduced to 0 hit points, and on its second failed Fortitude save, it falls unconscious and is reduced to –1 hit points.

Telekinetic Deflection

Source Occult Adventures pg. 27
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
You can deflect your foes’ attacks, as the spell deflectionAPG with a duration of 1 round. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you possess.

Telekinetic Finesse

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can perform any sort of fine manipulation you choose within close range, including attempting Sleight of Hand and Disable Device checks.

Telekinetic Globe

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
Prerequisite force barrier, force ward
You can create a globe of force, as the telekinetic sphere spell, that lasts as long as you concentrate as a standard action, and you can move the globe as a move action. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 minute per level and eliminate the need to concentrate to maintain the globe.

Telekinetic Haul

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite basic telekinesis
When using basic telekinesis, you can move an object that weighs up to 100 pounds per kineticist level you possess. When using your telekinetic blast, you can throw an object weighing up to 100 pounds per kineticist level you possess, but this doesn’t increase the damage. If you accept 1 point of burn, the maximum weight increases to 1,000 pounds per kineticist level you possess and the duration increases to 1 minute per kineticist level you possess.

Telekinetic Invisibility

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You weave strands of aether, bending light and dampening sound; this works as invisibility except that the aetheric bending is easier to notice than normal invisibility, so your bonus on Stealth checks is halved (+10 while moving and +20 while perfectly still). However, the dampened sound allows you to avoid automatic detection via sound-based blindsense and blindsight, but you do not receive the bonus on Stealth checks from this wild talent against a creature with such abilities.

Telekinetic Maneuvers

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
Saving Throw none; SR yes
You can perform combat maneuvers as telekinesis, but you use your Constitution modifier to determine your Combat Maneuver Bonus rather than your Intelligence or Charisma modifier. If you possess the telekinetic finesse wild talent, add dirty trick and steal combat maneuvers to the list of combat maneuvers you can perform; when performing these maneuvers, determine your Combat Maneuver Bonus using your Dexterity modifier instead of your Constitution modifier.

Tengu Blade Lore

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite tengu
Whenever you use kinetic blade or an infusion that lists kinetic blade as a prerequisite, the weapon you create counts as having one of the following weapon special features of your choice: blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, sunder, or trip.

Thorn Flesh

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 60, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 1
Prerequisite flesh of wood
You cover your body in barbed thorns that injure foes who strike you. This functions as the jagged flesh wild talent.

Tidal Wave

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 9; Burn 1
You call forth a powerful tidal wave, as tsunamiAPG.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
You attach strands of aether to everything your telekinesis touches. Any time you damage a creature using your telekinetic blast, as long as that creature doesn’t use a teleportation effect, you can see that creature at any distance as if using blindsight until the end of your next turn. Immediately after damaging a creature, you can accept 1 point of burn to strengthen the strands of aether attached to that creature, increasing the duration of the touchsight on that creature to 1 round per kineticist level.

Touchsight, Reactive

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element aether; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite touchsight
Your strands of aether surround you, making it virtually impossible for a violent motion to catch you off guard, so long as the motion originates within their range. You are never denied your Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks from within 30 feet because of being flat-footed or because your assailant is unseen or invisible. You always succeed at any Perception check to act on the surprise round against opponents within 30 feet.

Trail of Flames

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element fire; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Saving Throw none; SR yes
When you take the withdraw or run action, you can leave a wall of fire in all squares you exit that lasts for 1 round.

Tree Step

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 7; Burn 1
Prerequisite greater woodland step, woodland step
You can enter a tree and magically transport to a different tree of the same type within range, as per tree stride. Each time you activate this ability, it lasts until you have taken a number of tree steps equal to your kineticist level, your burn is removed, or you accept burn again to refresh it. Each time your burn is removed, you can automatically activate this ability once and ignore the burn cost. You can accept 1 additional point of burn while this ability is active to use all remaining tree steps at once, adding up the total distance traveled and instantly reaching your destination tree even if there wouldn’t have been enough trees along the way to make the journey one at a time.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn 0
You can take a move action to gain tremorsense 30 feet for 1 round on any earth or stone surface that you touch. You can accept 1 point of burn to increase the duration to 1 round per kineticist level you possess. While benefiting from this tremorsense, your earth blasts and composite blasts that include earth components don’t suffer a miss chance from concealment or total concealment against creatures you detect with your tremorsense.

Tremorsense, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite tremorsense
You can spend 10 minutes to extend your tremorsense outward while in a natural underground setting, letting you learn three facts as if using commune with nature, except your tremorsense can’t tell if a creature is a woodland creature or a powerful unnatural creature.

Undead Grip

Source Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
This functions as elemental grip, except it works on a single undead creature as per halt undead. Unintelligent undead must succeed at a saving throw with a –4 penalty to negate the effects.

Veil of Mists

Source Occult Adventures pg. 28
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
You create a misty veil over your features, disguising yourself as disguise self for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier. If you accept 1 point of burn, until the next time your burn is removed, each use of this wild talent lasts until you dismiss it.

Venom Speaker

Source Heroes of Golarion pg. 26
Talent Link Link
Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You gain the investigator’s poison lore class feature, using your kineticist level as your investigator level, and can use your gather power ability even while holding a dose of poison in one of your hands or appendages as long as you could otherwise use that ability. If you are at least 6th level, you can learn the alchemist’s swift poisoning class feature or one of the following alchemist discoveries in place of a utility wild talent, using your kineticist level as your alchemist level: concentrate poison, poison conversion, or sticky poison.

Voice of the Wind

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
Saving Throw none; SR yes
When you whisper, you can have the wind carry your voice to the ears of anyone you can see within 120 feet, as if they were one of the targets of a message spell you cast. Alternatively, you can send your voice to a distant location as if casting whispering wind.

Voice of the Wind, Greater

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 66
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite voice of the wind
Your voice of the wind ability gains both power and finesse. You can use voice of the wind to create unusual sounds, as ghost sound, to throw your voice, as ventriloquism,and even to alter your voice, as vocal alterationUM. You can send messages at a much greater distance than before and at a faster rate. When using voice of the wind’s whispering wind effect, you can choose to have the wind rise high into the sky, where it can gust at 50 miles per hour before descending to deliver the message. While the gust is still small, abnormal wind that fast is noticeable, unlike the normal gentle zephyr from whispering wind. If you choose to use the faster gust, you can deliver a message as far as 50 miles per kineticist level, instead of 1 mile per kineticist level.

Void Healer

Source Occult Origins pg. 7
Talent Link Link
Element void; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 1
This functions as kinetic healer (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 26), except it heals undead (and others healed by negative energy).

Warp Wood

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You can bend and twist plants and wooden objects. This functions as warp wood.

Water Alteration

Source Occult Realms pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
You can turn fresh water into seawater, and vice versa. This can affect a volume of water equal to 2 gallons per kineticist level, allowing sea creatures to survive in water that was fresh and freshwater creatures to survive in water that was briny. Additionally, when you alter water’s salinity with this talent, you can adjust the water’s temperature so that a creature can survive in it more easily (or simply be more comfortable). Water altered in this way must be confined within an appropriately sized container; attempts to alter a larger quantity of water fail.


See the book Occult Realms for more information on elemental saturation and attunements.

A hydrokineticist must demonstrate (or fake) the favor of Danglosa, the town’s mysterious anglerfish god-ruler. She must then follow the swirling currents of Outsea, succeeding at four consecutive DC 20 Swim checks without taking 10. If she succeeds, she can learn the water alteration wild talent. If she fails, she takes 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage.

Water Manipulator

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite kinetic cover
Saving Throw none; see text; SR no
You can manipulate massive quantities of water. As a standard action, you can raise or lower the level of water as if using control water, or move an amount of water equal to 1/1,000th the amount controlled by that spell to a different location in range. The water remains where you placed it for as long as you remain motionless and take a standard action each round to concentrate on this effect. This wild talent causes a slow effect on creatures made of water, just like control water (Will negates). When you cease concentrating, the water flows normally unless you accept 1 point of burn to extend the duration and hold the water in its current position for 10 minutes per kineticist level you possess.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
You call forth a current of water to increase your speed and allow you to swim with ease, as if under the effects of slipstreamAPG with unlimited duration.

Waterdancer, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite waterdancer
You can move across water (as water walk) at will and breathe underwater, and your slashing and bludgeoning attacks don’t take the usual penalties when you’re underwater.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 4; Burn
You gain tremorsense with a range of 30 feet to detect anything in contact with the same body of water as you. While you are benefiting from this tremorsense, your water blasts and composite blasts that include water don’t suffer a miss chance from concealment or total concealment against creatures you detect with this tremorsense.

Watersense, Greater

Source Ultimate Intrigue pg. 66
Talent Link Link
Element water; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite watersense
You project your watersense outward through the tides and water around you, allowing you to spy on others at a distance. You can take 10 minutes to project your senses, choosing a location within 480 feet that is connected to your current location via the same continuous body of water, or you can take 1 hour to attempt to spy on a specific creature within 1 mile per kineticist level that is visible from a location connected to your current location via the same continuous body of water. In the latter case, the creature receives a Will save as per scrying (including bonuses and penalties based on connection and knowledge); a target that saves is immune to your greater watersense for 24 hours. In either case, an extremely thin funnel of water, lasting for 1 minute per kineticist level, carries light and sound to your location, where your target area or location appears in the water next to you and you can view it as if through a scrying sensor, allowing you to both see and hear the area immediately surrounding the other end of the funnel. In the case of a distance greater than 480 feet, the sound comes 1 round later than its corresponding visual information for every mile away you are (for instance, if you were 5 miles away, you would see your target start talking 5 rounds before you heard what it said). When you are tracking a creature, the funnel moves as best it can through the water to follow that creature, up to 150 feet per round, but the target can escape by simply moving away from the water. If you also possess the voice of the wind wild talent, you can use its message effect to send your voice through the funnel with a delay of 1 round per mile. This wild talent is a divination and scrying effect.

Weather Master

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 8; Burn 0
By focusing on your connection to air and seeding the air around you for 10 minutes, you can create powerful weather effects, as control weather. You can create tornadoes or hurricane-force winds, as appropriate for the season. If you have access to the fire element, you can create hot weather, a heat wave, a thaw, or an early spring. If you have access to the water element, you can create all other types of weather listed in control weather.

Wild Growth

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
You can charge plants with life energy, hindering your enemies or aiding local farmers. This functions as plant growth.

Wind Manipulator

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 6; Burn 0
Prerequisite engulfing winds
You can call forth mighty winds in an enormous area. As a standard action, you can alter the wind around you as if using control winds, but the change remains only for as long as you continue to take a standard action to concentrate on this effect. If you accept 1 point of burn, you can extend the duration to 10 minutes per kineticist level you possess without your needing to concentrate.


Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn
You can see through mist and fog (including fog cloud and similar magic). In areas of moderate or stronger wind, you can see and hear as if you were standing at both your own position and a position a number of feet in the wind’s direction equal to the wind’s speed in miles per hour, potentially allowing you to see around corners and other obstacles.

Windsight, Greater

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite windsight
You can send a slight breeze in a path up to 480 feet long and then back to where you wait. This allows you to use your windsight wild talent to catch a quick glimpse and hear a tiny snippet from any location that could be reached by the wind traveling that distance (the wind’s path can’t pass through openings smaller than 1 inch in diameter). The breeze travels 100 feet per round, so what you see and hear is delayed by 1 round for every 50 feet of the path. If you spend at least 10 minutes to set up a steady flow of wind, you can concentrate for up to 1 minute per level to gain continuous visual and auditory information for as long as you concentrate, delayed by 1 round for every 100 feet the wind travels (since the steady flow of wind has to travel only one way). While there is no invisible sensor to detect with this ability, creatures along the path of the breeze may notice a light wind, though it may not seem out of the ordinary.

Wings of Air

Source Occult Adventures pg. 29
Talent Link Link
Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 3; Burn 0
Prerequisite air cushion or air's leap
The air bends to your will, allowing you to soar to great heights. You are constantly under the effects of fly. If this effect is dispelled, you can call it forth again as a standard action.

Wood Healer

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Psychic Anthology pg. 23
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 1
Prerequisite positive blast
Saving Throw none; SR yes
This functions as kinetic healer, but you must base the amount of healing on your positive blast, not wood blast. A phytokineticist with positive blast as her first blast qualifies for the kinetic chirurgeon archetype and gains this utility talent instead of kinetic healer. This wild talent counts as kinetic healer for prerequisites for selecting other kineticist wild talents.

Wood Soldiers

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 8; Burn 1
Your presence animates surrounding plant life and causes it to fight by your side. Each time you recover burn, you automatically use this ability once and ignore the burn cost. This functions as wooden phalanx, except you always animate four golems, and the duration lasts until the next time you recover burn. If you have spring blast, one of your golems gains a 30-foot fly speed (average maneuverability). If you have summer blast, one of your golems is healed by fire damage, is vulnerable to cold, and deals 1d6 extra points of fire damage on slam attacks and when splintering. If you have autumn blast, one of your golems gains a 20-foot burrow speed. If you have winter blast, one of your golems deals 1d6 extra points of cold damage on its slam attacks and when splintering. Each of the above modifications must apply to a different golem.

Woodland Step

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You gain woodland stride, as per the druid ability. Due to your ability to manipulate plants, you can attempt a caster level check (DC = 11 + the spell’s caster level) as a standard action to also ignore magically manipulated plants (but not creatures of the plant type).

Woodland Step, Greater

Source Ultimate Wilderness pg. 61, Occult Origins pg. 9
Talent Link Link
Element wood; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite woodland step
The plants actively assist you and nearby allies. You and all allies within 30 feet benefit as per forest friend.