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Bones of Founder Raccona

Source Pathfinder #27: What Lies in Dust pg. 54
Aura faint enchantment; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 2,250 gp; Weight 0 to 1 lb. (entire set weighs 8 lbs.)


The bones of Founder Raccona are small, blackened bone fragments, most no more than an inch long, and that radiate a faint, soothing warmth. Each bone grants the bearer 1 temporary hit point. These temporary hit points stack with other temporary hit points gained from possessing multiple bones of Founder Raccona, but not with those from other sources. These temporary hit points return daily at dawn. There are a total of 32 bones that bear the power of the Founder Raccona.

In addition to granting temporary hit points, the bearer of one or more of these bones is always aware of the presence of other bones of Founder Raccona within 50 feet.

The bones also possess a mild drive to seek out their remaining pieces. Every time a character acquires a bone of Founder Raccona, she must make a Will save (DC 10 + the number of bones of Founder Raccona in her possession). Failure causes the character to have a dream of Founder Raccona that encourages her to seek out the other bones. This dream does not force the character to act, but suggests that seeking the remaining bones would be a benevolent act. Should all 32 bones of Founder Raccona ever be gathered together, they immediately crumble to dust and release Raccona’s soul to the afterlife, losing all power.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, aid; Cost 1,125 gp