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Mythopoeic Sphinx

Source Pathfinder #82: Secrets of the Sphinx pg. 63
Aura moderate divination; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


Carved from sandstone, this small stone statuette depicts a female sphinx and is a powerful tool for divinations. Once per week, the possessor can ask the mythopoeic sphinx about an important person, place, or thing. The sphinx then animates and relates legends about the subject in either Common, Draconic, or Sphinx, as if with legend lore. In addition, a mythopoeic sphinx can be used as a focus component that replaces the normal focus or material components for the augury, divination, and legend lore spells. Lastly, the possessor of a mythopoeic sphinx gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes.

The possessor of a mythopoeic sphinx can also use the figurine to call a gynosphinx to his presence and bargain for her services as if using planar ally to call upon an outsider. A mythopoeic sphinx permanently loses all of its magical abilities when used to call a sphinx in this way, becoming a mundane stone statuette, regardless of whether or not the called sphinx agrees to serve the possessor.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, legend lore, planar ally; Cost 7,250 gp