Necromancer's AthameSource Ultimate Equipment pg. 312, Advanced Player's Guide pg. 308 Aura moderate necromancy; CL 11th Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.DescriptionThis pallid length of sharpened thighbone is
carved into the shape of a dagger, but with
tiny holes bored into it at equal intervals,
almost like a flute. A necromancer who
selects this athame as his bonded object
can use it to spontaneously convert any
prepared wizard necromancy spell into any
other wizard necromancy spell he knows; the desired spell
must be of the same level or lower than the prepared spell.
ConstructionRequirements Craft Wondrous Item, create undead, creator must be a
necromancer; Cost 10,000 gp