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Occult Rituals

Embrace Destiny

Source Lost Kingdoms pg. 12
School divination; Level arcanist 2, oracle 1, sorcerer 2, witch 2, wizard 2


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S


Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level (see text)


Upon completing this spell, roll a single d20 and record the result. At any point during the duration of this spell, you may use that roll for a single ability check, attack roll, initiative check, saving throw, or skill check, using the recorded result in place of a roll. This spell cannot be used to replace a roll that has already been made; the recorded result must be used instead of a roll. Once you have used this recorded result or the duration of the spell ends, the spell’s effect ends. You can’t have more than one instance of embrace destiny active on you at the same time.