Prismatic OrreryA series of metal rings rotates around a giant prismatic sphere.Prismatic Orrery CR 13Source Tombs of Golarion pg. 53 XP 25,600 N Gargantuan construct Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, true seeing; Perception +12DefenseAC 24, touch 8, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +16 natural, –4 size) hp 159 (18d10+60) Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +6 Defensive Abilities all-around vision, dispel resistance, hardness 10; Immune construct traitsOffenseSpeed 0 ft. (cannot move) Melee slam +21 (6d6+10 plus grab) Space 20 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks blinding pulse, constrict (6d6+10), prismatic refraction (+17 ranged touch, DC 21, every 1d4 rounds) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +8) Constant—true seeingStatisticsStr 25, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 Base Atk +18; CMB +29 (+33 grapple); CMD 41 Skills Perception +12; Racial Modifiers +12 PerceptionSpecial AbilitiesBlinding Pulse (Ex) As a move action, the prismatic orrery can set its lenses to refract the light of the prismatic sphere at its center, granting it a gaze attack that causes blindness in all targets that fail a DC 19 Fortitude saving throw. This gaze attack can be disabled as a move action, and is automatically disabled if the orrery uses its prismatic refraction ability or if the prismatic sphere is temporarily dispelled. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Dispel Resistance (Su) The prismatic sphere at the center of the orrery (CL 20th) can be dispelled with a targeted dispel magic spell, but only temporarily. As the sphere is fueled by the elemental energies within the Prismatic Lantern’s demiplane, it reappears after 1d3 rounds. While the prismatic sphere is inactive, the prismatic orrery cannot use its blinding pulse and prismatic refraction abilities.
Prismatic Refraction (Ex) As a standard action, the prismatic orrery can position its many rings and lenses such that the magical energy of the prismatic sphere at its center is aimed in a series of beams at all targets within 60 feet. These beams take the form of a prismatic spray spell (CL 13th); determine the color of each ray randomly with a roll of 1d8 as indicated in the spell. A prismatic refraction ray is a ranged touch attack with a +17 bonus to hit and a save DC of 21. It takes the prismatic orrery 1d4 rounds to recalibrate its lenses to recharge this ability. The save DC is Dexterity-based.DescriptionThe automated orrery atop the Prismatic Lantern takes no defensive actions against intruders except when attacked or if commanded to do so by the wielder of a crystal control rod.ConstructionA prismatic orrery must be built around a demiplane, using rare metals and delicate optics worth a total of 50,000 gp. Prismatic Orrery CL 17th; Price 170,000 gp Construction Requirements Craft Construct, animate objects, permanency, prismatic sphere, true seeing, creator must be caster level 17th; Skill Craft (clockwork) DC 25; Cost 110,000 gp