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Inner Sea Gods

Estimated Release Date: 4/30/2014
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Deific Boons [60]

Abadar (Evangelist), Abadar (Exalted), Abadar (Sentinel), Asmodeus (Evangelist), Asmodeus (Exalted), Asmodeus (Sentinel), Calistria (Evangelist), Calistria (Exalted), Calistria (Sentinel), Cayden Cailean (Evangelist), Cayden Cailean (Exalted), Cayden Cailean (Sentinel), Desna (Evangelist), Desna (Exalted), Desna (Sentinel), Erastil (Evangelist), Erastil (Exalted), Erastil (Sentinel), Gorum (Evangelist), Gorum (Exalted), Gorum (Sentinel), Gozreh (Evangelist), Gozreh (Exalted), Gozreh (Sentinel), Iomedae (Evangelist), Iomedae (Exalted), Iomedae (Sentinel), Irori (Evangelist), Irori (Exalted), Irori (Sentinel), Lamashtu (Evangelist), Lamashtu (Exalted), Lamashtu (Sentinel), Nethys (Evangelist), Nethys (Exalted), Nethys (Sentinel), Norgorber (Evangelist), Norgorber (Exalted), Norgorber (Sentinel), Pharasma (Exalted), Pharasma (Evangelist), Pharasma (Sentinel), Rovagug (Evangelist), Rovagug (Exalted), Rovagug (Sentinel), Sarenrae (Evangelist), Sarenrae (Exalted), Sarenrae (Sentinel), Shelyn (Evangelist), Shelyn (Exalted), Shelyn (Sentinel), Torag (Evangelist), Torag (Exalted), Torag (Sentinel), Urgathoa (Evangelist), Urgathoa (Exalted), Urgathoa (Sentinel), Zon-Kuthon (Evangelist), Zon-Kuthon (Exalted), Zon-Kuthon (Sentinel)

Deities [296]

Achaekek, Alseta, Apsu, Azathoth, Besmara, Bokrug, Brigh, Count Ranalc, Cthulhu, Cyth-V'sug, Dahak, Geryon, Ghlaunder, Groetus, Gyronna, Hadregash, Hanspur, Hastur, Imbrex, Kurgess, Magdh, Mahathallah, Mephistopheles, Mhar, Milani, Minderhal, Moloch, Naderi, Ng, Nyarlathotep (Black Pharaoh), Nyarlathotep (Haunter in the Dark), Orgesh, Ragadahn, Shub-Niggurath, Shyka, Sivanah, The Green Mother, The Lantern King, The Lost Prince, Xhamen-Dor, Yog-Sothoth, Zyphus, Abadar, Abraxas, Aegirran, Aesdurath, Ahriman, Ajids, Alazhra, Aldinach, Alichino, Alocer, Andirifkhu, Andoletta, Angazhan, Angradd, Anogetz, Apollyon, Arazni, Ardad Lili, Areshkagal, Arlachramas, Arqueros, Arshea, Ashava, Asmodeus, Ayrzul, Baalzebul, Baphomet, Barbariccia, Barbatos, Belial, Benorus, Bergelmir, Bharnarol, Bifrons, Black Butterfly, Bolka, Braismois, Cagnazzo, Calcabrina, Calistria, Camazotz, Cayden Cailean, Cernunnos, Chadali, Chaldira, Charon, Chavazvug, Chucaro, Circiatto, Cixyron, Corosbel, Crocell, Daclau-Sar, Dagon, Dalenydra, Damerrich, Deskari, Desna, Deumus, Diceid, Dispater, Doloras, Draghignazzo, Dranngvit, Dretha, Droskar, Ealdeez, Eaqueo, Easivra, Eiseth, Eldas, Eligos, Erastil, Erecura, Eritrice, Falayna, Fandarra, Farfarello, Feronia, Findeladlara, Flauros, Folca, Folgrit, Furcas, Gaap, Geon, Ghenshau, Gogunta, Gorum, Gozreh, Graffiacane, Grundinnar, Haagenti, Haborym, Haggakal, Halcamora, Hastrikhal, Hembad, Hshurha, Iaozrael, Immonhiel, Iomedae, Irez, Irori, Isph-Aun-Vuln, Izyagna, Jacarkas, Jaidz, Jalaijatali, Jezelda, Jiraviddain, Jubilex, Kabriri, Kalma, Kelinahat, Kelizandri, Keltheald, Ketephys, Kitumu, Kols, Korada, Kostchtchie, Kroina, Laivatiniel, Lalaci, Lamashtu, Lanishra, Libicocco, Lissala, Llamolaek, Lorcan, Lorris, Lorthact, Losarkur, Lymnieris, Lythertida, Magrim, Malacoda, Malthus, Mammon, Marishi, Mazmezz, Menxyr, Mestama, Mneoc, Murnath, Nalmungder, Nergal, Neshen, Nethys, Nightripper, Nivi Rhombodazzle, Nocticula, Norgorber, Nulgreth, Nurgal, Oaur-Ooung, Olheon, Ondisso, Orcus, Ose, Osolmyr, Ovonovo, Pavnuri, Pazuzu, Pharasma, Picoperi, Pirias, Pulura, Quindiovatos, Ragathiel, Rasvocel, Reymenda, Roqorolos, Rovagug, Rowdrosh, Ruapceras, Rubicante, Rull, Ruzel, Sabnach, Sarenrae, Scarmiglione, Seramaydiel, Sezelrian, Shamira, Shax, Shei, Shelyn, Shiggarreb, Shivaska, Sifkesh, Sinashakti, Sithhud, Skode, Skrymir, Slandrais, Smiad, Socothbenoth, Soralyon, Stygidvod, Svarozic, Szuriel, Tamede, Tanagaar, Thamir Gixx, Thisamet, Thremyr, Thuskchoon, Titivilus, Tjasse, Tolc, Torag, Treerazer, Trelmarixian, Tresmalvos, Trudd, Uaransaph, Urazra, Urgathoa, Uruskreil, Urxehl, Uskyeria, Valani, Vapula, Varg, Venkelvore, Verex, Vildeis, Vois, Vorasha, Winlas, Wylgart, Xhasnaphar, Xoveron, Xsistaid, Yamasoth, Yan-gant-y-tan, Ydersius, Yhidothrus, Ylimancha, Ymeri, Yuelral, Zaebos, Zagresh, Zaigasnar, Zarongel, Zelishkar, Zepar, Zevgavizeb, Zogmugot, Zohls, Zon-Kuthon, Zura

Feats [86]

Arcane Insight, Aura of Succumbing, Beacon of Hope, Believable Veils, Bestow Hope, Blessed Hammer, Bloodletting, Bloody Sabres, Bloody Vengeance, Bolster Undead, Breaker of Barriers, Bullseye Shot, Butterfly's Sting, Channel Discord, Channel Endurance, Channel Hate, Channel Viciousness, Charge of the Righteous, Clarifying Channel, Conversion Channel, Courage in a Bottle, Cruelty, Curse of Vengeance, Deific Obedience, Destroy Identity, Devilish Pride, Diabolical Negotiator, Disciple of the Sword, Divination Guide, Divine Barrier, Divine Dignity, Divine Expression, Dreamed Secrets, Drunken Brawler, Eerie Sense, Elemental Vigor, Fateful Channel, Fearsome Finish, Fey Friend, Flagellant, Forceful Channel, Glorious Heat, Hands of Valor, Hellish Shackles, Heroic Interposition, Hunter of Dahak, Intrepid Rescuer, Ironbound Master, Ki Channel, Liberation Channel, Magical Epiphany, Master of Knowledge, Measured Response, Merciless Rush, Messenger of Fate, Nightmare Scars, Nimble Natural Summons, Oath of the Unbound, Ordered Mind, Perfect Casting, Persuasive Performer, Poisoner's Channel, Potion Glutton, Protective Channel, Protector's Strike, Reject Poison, Riptide Attack, Savior's Arrow, Seductive Channel, Shadow Dodge, Shatter Resolve, Siphon Channel, Spear Dancer, Spiked Destroyer, Squash Flat, Steady Engagement, Steelskin Channel, Stone Read, Stone Strider, Sun Striker, Thicket Channel, To the Last, Torch Bearer, Trailblazing Channel, Undermining Exploit, Wave Master

Magic Items (Altars) [20]

Altar of Abadar, Altar of Asmodeus, Altar of Calistria, Altar of Cayden Cailean, Altar of Desna, Altar of Erastil, Altar of Gorum, Altar of Gozreh, Altar of Iomedae, Altar of Irori, Altar of Lamashtu, Altar of Nethys, Altar of Norgorber, Altar of Pharasma, Altar of Rovagug, Altar of Sarenrae, Altar of Shelyn, Altar of Torag, Altar of Urgathoa, Altar of Zon-Kuthon

Magic Items (Armor) [30]

All-Seeing Armor, Armor of the Unquenchable Fire, Blackfingers Apron, Bronze Whisperer's Shield, Calamitous Mail, Dawnflower Chain Vest, Deadeye Leather, Driftwood Shield, Eternal Iron Breastplate, Fangtide Scale Mail, Forgefather's Half-Plate, Golden Judge's Breastplate, Gravewatcher Chainmail, Gray Master's Leathers, Grim Gloom Mail, Half-Plate of the Dark Prince, Inheritor's Breastplate, Kimlé Coat, Lucky Drunk's Mail, Milanite Armor, Painspike Armor, Pallid Chain, Pelt of the Demon Mother, Perfection Leather, Red Stalker Armor, Rosy Hauberk, Sea Banshee Coat, Starsong Mail, Toiler's Armor, Veiled Chain

Magic Items (Rings) [14]

Deadeye's Spotter Ring, Droskar's Guiding Ring, Ghost Battling Ring, Glorious Flame Ring, Gluttonous Feasting Ring, Knight-Inheritor's Ring, Nethysian Ring of Minor Spell Storing, Profane Seal Signet, Red Hound Ring, Ring of Serene Contortions, Ring of Seven Lovely Colors, Ring of Stairs and Stars, Ring of Sundering Metals, Ring of Unquenchable Passions

Magic Items (Weapons) [23]

Black Alibi, Blade of Three Fancies, Bloodlight, Carouser's Retort, Dawnfire, Enduring Bloom, Fate Blade, Forgefather's Sledge, Fugitive Finder, Fuming Blood Sabre, Hell's Eye, Inheritor's Light, Kinbonded Bow, Nail of the Princess, Obliviating Flail, Perfectionist Shavtoosh, Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents, Redlust's Daughter, Rusting Teeth of the Rough Beast, Shooting Starknife, Stormstrike, Umbral Chain, Vengeful Kiss

Magic Items (Wondrous Items) [63]

Barbed Pentacle of Asmodeus, Bear Pelt of the Bonebreaker, Beautiful War Paint, Belt of the Snake King, Besmara's Bicorne, Besmara's Tricorne, Blessed Keepsake, Boots of the Earth, Boots of the Eternal Rose, Broken Chain of the Beast, Bronze Skinning Knife, Cloak of the Crusader, Cloak of the Night Sky, Dawnflower Lantern, Dawnflower Sash, Deathlurker's Cloak, Demon Mother's Mask, Diabolical Masquerade Mask, Dream Candle, Dreamwing Cape, Fate's Shears, Father's Forgehammer, Featherscale Cloak, Flask of the Reaper, Gloves of Bony Power, Gossamer Amberstone, Gray Gambler's Hat, Great Barghest Hero Cloak, Gutbite Belt, Hag's Shabble, Hero's Release Pendant, Icon of the Midwife, Inheritor's Gauntlet, Iron Lord's Transforming Slivers, Key of the Second Vault, Mask of Conflicting Energies, Mask of Cutting Flesh, Medal of the Hero's Heart, Nightstone of Sorrow, Orb of the Waybringer, Pallid Crystal, Perfect Tuning Fork, Poison Gum, Preklikin's Book of Cults, Purification Talisman, Rhombocrystal, Robe of the Master of Masters, Sacrificial Dagger of the Blood Mother, Safecamp Wagon, Scabbard of Pain, Shad'gorum Nugget, Silent Blade Vest, Spellsight Bracer, Stagger-Proof Boots, Starfaring Robes, Steward's Iron Key, Stinging Stiletto, Tankard of the Drunken Hero, Veil of Veils, Vurra of the Maker, Wayfinder of Zephyrs, Windwave Kilt, Zonzon Doll of Forgiveness

Monsters [40]

Accomplice Devil (Hesperian), Ahmuuth, Arcanotheign, Ataxian, Basileus, Burleev, Chalkost, Dapsara, Hand of the Inheritor, Iophanite, Karumzek, Lampadarius, Lawgiver, Mother’s Maw, Night Monarch, Orsheval, Pavbagha, Personification of Fury, Sarcovalt, Stag Archon, Steward of the Skein, Sunlord Thalachos, Swaithe, Tarrasque, Thais, The First Blade, The Grand Defender, The Grim White Stag, The Menotherian, The Old Man, The Prince in Chains, The Spirit of Adoration, The Stabbing Beast, Thognorok, Thyrlien, Vendenopterix, Xocothian, Yethazmari, Yhohm, Zentragt

Monster Subtypes [2]

Herald, Spawn of Rovagug

Mythic Spells [1]

Spawn Calling

Prestige Classes [3]

Evangelist, Exalted, Sentinel

Spells [65]

Abadar's Truthtelling, Abstemiousness, Aspect of the Nightingale, Baphomet's Blessing, Beacon of Luck, Blade Snare, Blessing of the Watch, Brittle Portal, Burst of Glory, Caustic Blood, Channel the Gift, Channel Vigor, Deadeye's Arrow, Defending Bone, Dream Feast, Early Judgment, Enhance Water, Face of the Devourer, Fairness, Fallback Strategy, False Alibi, Firebelly, Fractions of Heal and Harm, Freedom's Toast, Ghoul Hunger, Gozreh's Trident, Hairline Fractures, Hammer of Mending, Haze of Dreams, Hunter's Blessing, Ice Armor, Inheritor's Smite, Light Prison, Lighten Object, Lighten Object, Mass, Lose the Trail, Maddening Oubliette, Monstrous Extremities, Night of Blades, Pick Your Poison, Plague Bearer, Poisoned Egg, Read Weather, Replenish Ki, Rovagug's Fury, Sadomasochism, Secret Speech, Seducer's Eyes, Shared Sacrifice, Shield of the Dawnflower, Greater, Sky Swim, Smite Abomination, Spawn Calling, Spell Gauge, Spell Scourge, Symbol of Debauchery, Symbol of Dispelling, Tap Inner Beauty, Touch of Bloodletting, Tracking Mark, Transplant Visage, Unwelcome Halo, Vengeful Stinger, Vexing Miscalculation, Weapons Against Evil

Subdomains [21]

Arson, Cooperation, Dark Tapestry, Dragon, Entropy, Fear, Flotsam, Friendship, Isolation, Judgment, Loyalty, Moon, Revelry, Rivers, Saurian, Slavery, Stars, Torture, Tyranny, Venom, Whimsy

Traits [115]

A Shining Beacon, Accident Resistant, Adventurous Imbiber, Affinity for the Elements, Agent of Chance, Always Threatening, Arcane Depth, Battlefield Surgeon, Besmara's Name, Bestial Wrath, Blessed Orphan, Broken Mind, Centered, Child of Nature, Cleansing Light, Contract Master, Corpse Hunter, Covenant of Abaddon, Deadeye Bowman, Deathspeaker, Deck Fighter, Deep Wounding, Defensive Strategist, Deformed, Demonic Persuasion, Demoralizing Presence, Denial of Fate, Destructive Blows, Diseased Heart, Dragon Tracker, Dragonslayer, Elemental Resilience, Elven Polytheist, Empty Heart, Full Heart, Empyreal Focus, Enchanting Conniver, Erastil's Speaker, Eternal Understanding, Extended Toil, Eye for Quality, Eye of the Father, Eyes of the Wild, Faithful Artist, Fatal Trapper, Favored Prey, Fiendish Confidence, Flames of Hell, Frightening Speed, Furious Vengeance, Gifted Medium, Good-Natured, Hatred of the Gods, Holy Schemer, Honey-Tongued, Illuminator, Inner Beauty, Inoculated, Inspiring Leader, Intense Artist, Iron Grip, Know the Land, Kuthite Caster, Lessons of Chaldira, Liar's Tongue, Light Sleeper, Light-Bringer, Lover of the Law, Loyal Bond, Magic's Might, Natural Philosopher, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Opener of Doors, Opportune Slayer, Opportunistic, Poisonous Slayer, Potent Concoctions, Practiced Deception, Propitiation, Protective Faith, Purity of Faith, Reckless Luck, Regal Presence, River Freedom, Scaly Ally, Secret Knowledge, Seer of Reality, Serpentine Squeeze, Shaper of Reality, Shield-Trained, Spirit Guide, Split-Second Defense, Stabilizing Touch, Steady Strength, Stoic Optimism, Strength's Fanfare, Strict Judgment, Strip the Veils, Strong Heart, Strong Swimmer, Strong-Willed, Structural Knowledge, Talented Organizer, The Flexing Arm, Thirst for Knowledge, Thrill-Seeker, Underlying Principles, Unhinged Mentality, Unspeakable Bond, Unswaying Love, Veils upon Veils, Wedded Bliss, Well-Prepared, Wise Teacher, Worthless Pawn, Wronged